Monday, September 30, 2019
Poem of William Caslos William Essay
William Carlos Williams is a pioneer who creates a whole new realm in American poetry. He is regarded as an important and influential poet because of his unique and usually plain style. The poem â€Å"Poem†is one of the most prominent poems reflecting Williams’ style of writing. In this piece of work, Williams discusses a central contrast between the mortality of life and immortality of art through the image of two roses – in nature and in poetry. It can be said that life is symbolized by the rose, the central image and also the main theme of â€Å"Poem†. The real rose and unreal one are skillfully used to represent two factors: the reality and the art. In nature, a rose which cannot avoid the cycle of time undergoes stages of nature rules. First, it germinates from a seed. Then, it grows up and blooms or blossoms. Next, it fades or discolored. Finally, it dies. â€Å"The rose fades – And is renewed again – By its seed naturally†(Williams, 1983). The issue of the rose fading show that life, no matter what forms, follows the nature changing rule and eventually fades away. Meanwhile, Williams uses the image of the rose in poem to respect the art because the real rose will fade naturally but the rose of art keeps an ever-lasting beauty: â€Å"Save in the poem – shall it go – to suffer no diminution – of its splendor†(Williams, 1983). Generally, the whole poem presents the central contrast of nature versus art, death versus life and cycle of time versus perfection that lasts forever. With respect to the highlighted image of the rose in poetry, it can not be touch but lives forever and remains perfect, fresh, young, and beautiful regardless of time. It has the empowerment of splendor, perfection, and immortality. In fact, Williams’ intention after his words of praising the power of the rose in poem is to advocate the power of art in general. It seems that the poet gives prominence to art whose role is to inspire and guide people through curves of life thanks to its beauty and significance of teaching truth, giving beauty and pleasure, shaping moral characters, showing power of language and showing human experience.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Monitoring is the systematic and routine gathering of data from program and projects for four principle purposes as written in (World Bank, 1980), to gain from encounters to enhance practices and exercises later on (Ben, 2002), to have inner and outer responsibility of the assets utilized and the outcomes acquired, to get informed decisions on get on the future of the initiative and to promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the activity additionally discussed by (John and Khilesh, 2008). Evaluation is the assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme (or a period of a progressing undertaking or program that has been finished) Evaluations assess information and data that illuminate key choices, in this way enhancing the venture or program later on unmistakably shown by (Yang, Sun and Martin, 2008). From the perspective of (Pfohl, 1986), assessments should make inferences around five fundamental parts of the mediation: pertinence, adequacy, effectiveness, effect, and maintainability. As the global network struggle to improve the advancement results at the nation level, new difficulties emerge in the act of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The ponder by (Mintzberg, 1994) trusts that the key arranging models for monitoring and evaluation of network-based undertakings of the 1970s, at last, failed in light of the fact that, they didn't recognize vital arranging and vital reasoning in monitoring and evaluation of network-based tasks. Citing to from (Miller, 1990), Citing from (Miller, 1990), and Mucai found in their research that the victories and strengths of some community-based projects can often be the cause of their future monitoring and evaluation strategic failure. A few journalists have clarified that despite the fact that numerous assets are put resources into the improvement of M;E frameworks, not every one of them really gets executed or regardless of whether they do, they are just in part actualized because of difficulties experienced amid usage (Groene and Branda 2006, 298). Mahmood et al (2011) indicated the intricacy and in addition poor understanding of M;E frameworks as one of the challenges experienced in its execution. In some cases, the implementation is described as being problematic, as issues such as improper operationalization of outcomes, makes it impossible to measure what is intended to be measured (Groene and Branda 2006, 299). Individual staff inside Organizations make varying understanding and assumptions about the M;E system and place different values on M;E, which results in various institutional rationales towards M;E framework and a more extensive hierarchical inability to quantify advance and think about results. There are additional difficulties among Organization in making an interpretation of wide authoritative objectives into particular task exercises, underscoring strains in execution and constraints in M;E practice (Catherine Benson Wahlà ©n 2014, pp. 77-88) The study by (RM Mthethwa, 2006) contend that; the primary challenges looked by numerous association is that the learning, abilities, and capability required for those aspiring and performing obligations identified with M;E of public projects is limited. Program authorities neglect to comprehend the significance of M;E at the neighbourhood government level of the different tasks. Along these lines, they have neglected to build up an institutional M;E framework (counting M;E designs, pointers and instruments). This uncovers albeit much has been accomplished as far as giving administrations to the larger part of recipients, much still should be done as far as preparing, workshops, exchange on M;E and how reasonable frameworks can be actualized at Organization level to upgrade service delivery. From (UNDP Evaluation site, 2011), its contend that there are a wide range of (delicate, hard and blended) factors that impact the achievement or disappointment of Monitoring and Evaluation system in network-based undertakings, going from the general population who convey or actualize the technique to the frameworks or systems set up for co-appointment and control. These variables should be distinguished and managed to guarantee productivity and viability in Monitoring and Evaluation arrangement of the network-based tasks as suggested by (John and Khilesh, 2008). A significant number of the tasks faces challenges in Monitoring and Evaluation of their activities because of numerous elements. This is as indicated by (Pfohl, 1986). According to Messah and Mucai in their paper, Factors Affecting the Implementation of Strategic Plans in Government Tertiary Institutions: A Survey of Selected Technical Training Institutes, as cited in(Finkelstein, 2003), maps four circumstances in which strategic planning for monitoring and evaluation of community-based projects failure is most likely to occur: Babbie and Mouton (2001, 342), in looking at dimensions of programme management and implementation, cited a number of issues that impact on the implementation of M;E systems. Issues raised include the competencies and abilities of the personnel who are to manage the implementation; the organizational structures available to create an enabling environment for the discharge of M;E duties, personality styles and attitudes of implementation staff (Babbie and Mouton 2001, 344). Despite these challenges, many organizations have begun to recognize the importance of M;E for two key reasons: accountability and improvement (Margoluis et al. 2009). Accountability-focused evaluation serves to ensure that organizations account financially for their activities and implement promised activities and usually stems from a formal process required by the donors. Improvement-focused evaluation aims to improve implementation and organizational, management or project effectiveness. This improvement- focused on understanding and challenges of M;E is the focus of these research. I define M;E as the process through which organizations evaluate their practices and outcomes according to their mission and objectives.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Taco Bell Case Study
Workshop Case Study – Taco Bell Design, Layout & Process Choice â€Å"Design for Transformation†In 1999, three out of every four Mexican fast-food meals purchased in the United States were made from one company – Taco Bell. However, this market dominance may never have come about unless the company had not transformed its operations throughout the 1980’s. In the early 1980’s, Taco Bell was typical of this kind. It was essentially a job shop operation. Nearly all food production was carried out on site: – –foodstuffs were prepared from their raw state; food items such as ground beef for tacos were cooked for a period of several hours in vats; –guacamole and other sauces were made-up; –beans were washed, cleaned and cooked; Once these items were ready for sale, they were then assembled in response to a customer order. This meant that wait time at the cash register was 105 seconds on average, an even slower during peak peri ods. This type of operations led to a number of management challenges. Staff had to be scheduled and organised in shifts so that they mainly prepared food items and cleaned the unit during slack periods, whilst they assembled orders and served customers during busy times.It was estimated that the restaurant manager spent an hour each day working on his crew schedule in order to match labour supply as closely as possible to potential demand, and thereby meet the company’s cost targets. Food cost control was also a priority, which meant that a great deal of time and effort went into ensuring no menu item was prepared in too small or too large a quantity. But the complexity of this operation, lead to quite wide variations in food quality, both within single units and between units in the chain. This was not helped by inconsistency in the quality of raw materials, which were ainly sourced locally. The emphasis on in-house food production meant that that the ratio of kitchen to di ning space was 70:30. Moreover, the main assembly line where food items were made to order ran parallel to the service counter, so that employees on the line were facing away from the customers. At that time, Taco Bell did not have a drive-through window, even though 50 per cent of competitors’ sales were from this source. Beginning in 1983, the CEO of Taco Bell, John Martin, made a number of major changes to the physical layout.The food assembly line was reconfigured to have two shorter lines at right angles to the service counter. This improved product flow and improved customers’ perception of the operation. The introduction of electronic point-of-sale not only improved order taking and cash handling, but also provided improved data on which food forecasting could be made. Other changes included: – –adding new menu items; –increasing the average size of new units from 1600 up to 2000 square feet; –adding drive-through windows; the upgradi ng the decor and uniforms of staff. However, external pressures meant that Martin also had to adopt a new operations process. By the mid-1980’s, the US fast-food market had matured and competition was fierce. Previously performance was judged on growth, which could be achieved by opening new units. In the mature market-place, market share became much more significant. Labour shortages also meant an increase in labour costs, up by 18 per cent for the industry, but by 50 per cent for Taco Bell due to its relatively larger, skilled workforce.Whereas chains with burger or chicken concepts could offset this increase by taking advantage of falling food costs, Taco Bell’s food cost remained at around 30 per cent of sales. So by 1989, Taco Bell was a relatively small player in the market being squeezed by rising costs. In a series of initiatives, the operation was transformed. K-minus was a project that turned the kitchen into just a heating and assembly unit. Nearly all food preparation (chopping, slicing and mixing of vegetables and meat) and cooking was eliminated.Beef, chicken and beans arrived in pre-cooked bags, lettuce was pre-shredded, hard tortillas pre-fried and guacamole delivered in cartridges. This changed the ratio of ‘back-of-house’ to ‘front-of-house’ to 30:70, reduced staffing levels in each unit and increased the operational capacity of each unit. The SOS (speed of service) initiative was designed to respond to market research that showed customers wanted their food fast. Recipes were adapted and a heated staging area developed so that 60 per cent of the menu items, representing over 80 per cent of sales volume, were pre-wrapped ready for sale.This reduced (Total Automation of Company Operations – TACO) was an IT project designed to computerise in-store operations and network each unit to headquarters. TACO provided each manager with daily reports on 46 key performance measures, assisted with production and labour scheduling and aided inventory control. This reduced the time restaurant managers spent on paperwork by up to 16 hours a week. These process changes and the investment in technology were also accompanied by changes in human resource management. The restaurant manager’s job was now very different from what it had been due to K-minus, SOS and TACO.Taco Bell recognised that managers should now focus much more on ‘front-of-house’ and on the customer. The management structure within each unit was therefore changed along with job descriptions and remuneration packages. Much more pay was performance related, so that top managers could earn $80, 000 a year, a huge increase on previous salary scales. Selection criteria for the new restaurant managers were also adapted to reflect the new style of operation. Between 1984 and 1994, Taco Bell doubled its sales and tripled its profits. Despite this, competition remained tough.With the right processes in place, Marti n could now look to other ways in which to improve operational performance. So, in the mid-1990’s the focus switched from technology to human resources, with the growth of team-managed units and the development of the learning organisation within Taco. (Source: Brown, Lamming, Bessant & Jones, Strategic Operations Management, 2nd edn. Elsevier, 2005) Tasks Clearly from the Taco Bell case, managing the process transformation is an enormously important challenge for operations managers in both service and manufacturing settings.Success does not come about purely by having the correctly designed layout, process and technology. Other skills and tacit knowledge also come into play. Task 1 Critically evaluate how strategic operational initiatives such as K-minus, SOS and TACO struck the right balance of addressing the â€Å"hard†& â€Å"soft†operational problems Taco faced and delivering customer satisfaction. Task 2 Changing the transformational process (i. e. to t he layout, product and process control) has a direct correlation to improving customer service and satisfaction? Discuss.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Aging Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Aging Theories - Assignment Example The medical implication of old age is despair and unease resulting to high vulnerability to diseases (Miller 2009). Effectiveness of medication is achieved when individuals accept their health situations. It is implicit that the desperation that comes with old age lowers the resolve to live and disengages the unconvinced older individuals from the society (Alexander 2009). The trickledown effect of failure to accept the signs of old age exacerbates the susceptibility to infections. Nursing advice importantly empowers the old to remain socially active and engaged within the societal activities. Aging is a state of mind when individuals become nostalgic of their past, become less economically productive and disengaged from the active societal activities. The interplay of age determinants results in increased desperation and hopelessness. Hopelessness and desperation results in the survival battle for at old age due to the inescapability of death (Alexander 2009). The administration of medication to the aging individuals has to serve to re-engage the old with the society and at the same time alleviate their ailments. Dual practice of nursing involving the social reunion of the disengaged aged patients and the psychological support to foster the effectiveness of medication causes a challenge to the nursing
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Analysis of the Buzz Generated Around the Launch of iPhone Essay
Analysis of the Buzz Generated Around the Launch of iPhone - Essay Example The essay "Analysis of the Buzz Generated Around the Launch of iPhone" analyzes the reasons for a huge amount of buzz being generated around the launch of iPhone and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the strategies adopted by Apple in launching iPhone since namely the marketing strategies brought such a success.The marketing strategies adopted by Apple in order to market its iPhone gained the praise of business experts all across the world. The basic strategy of the company was to create an initial market boom through extensive campaigning on the uniqueness of the product. Further Apple ensured to utilize the ripples created in the market by these campaigns in favor of the product. The company could successfully initiate an impatience in the customers to wait for the release of the product. The launch of iPhone was much discussed in the media especially by the business critiques and eventually the launch was made to matter much for the common man as well.Apple could succe ssfully use its previous product iPod which was launched in 2001 as background to the campaign for its new mobile technology titled ‘the iPhone’.The iPod was proved to be a splendid success in terms of business. The product was unique in its utility and portability. This uniqueness was very well utilized by the company while launching iPhone. The similarity in the name was deliberately created by Apple, in order to help its customers relate the quality and market repute of its new product to that of iPod.
Business Law - the law of contract Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Law - the law of contract - Case Study Example The prospective buyer, by offering that price is himself the offeror and his offer, if accepted, create a binding contract. 1 For this case, James just noticed a gold watch with a price tag of 25 hence it neither does nor compels the store person to sell the gold watch at that particular price. The price tag with the gold watch was just inviting others to make an offer of their own on how much they are to buy the watch. A binding contract would have been created when the store person (Elizabeth) would have accepted the offer made by James since the price with the gold watch was just inviting customers to make their offer. Normally, invitation to a treat is used to request expression of interest from the customers. For this case, any product with a price tag does not compel the store person to sell his product at that price but requests, an expression of interest from the customer to make their offer and binding contract of sale would occur when he agrees to sell at that price. 2 Invitation to treat must be distinguished from an offer. This is because, invitation to a treat invites for people with to make on an offer whereas, in a offer, the offeror make in an offer and just wait for people to accept that offer. In order for a coIn order for a contract to be enforceable, it must fulfill certain basic requirements. There must be an agreement based upon genuine consent of the parties, supported by a consideration and made for a lawful object between competent parties. A relevant case studied in the issue of invitation to treat is that of: Pharmaceutical Society of Britain v. Boots Chemists of 1953 Goods were sold in Boots Chemist shop under the self-service system. Customers selected their purchases from the shelves, put them into baskets supplied by Boots Chemists and took them to the cash desk where they paid the price. It was held that the customer made the offer when he presented them at the cash desk, and not when he removed them from the shelves.3 The price tag with the gold watch was merely inviting James to make his offer on the price he would like to buy the gold watch at and does not compel him to sell at that price. For this case, a contract would have been made when James collects the watch from the shelves and place it on the counter if Elizabeth agrees to sell it at that price. But since the 25 price with the gold watch was merely inviting customers to make an offer but not sell it at that price. By taking the money from James, it would mean that Elizabeth had agreed to sell the gold watch at that price. For this case, it would be immaterial for James to state that he has a right to purchase a gold watch at 25 as indicated on the price tag. He would not succeed in any court of law for him to be sold the gold watch at 25. Another case studied on invitation to treat was that of:- Fisher v. Bell of 1961 On this case, Bell a shopkeeper, displayed a flick knife priced at four shilling in his shop window. He was charged with offering for sale an offensive weapon contrary to the restriction of offensive weapon act. It was held that a mere display of the goods in a shop window is not by itself an offer for sale. Bell was not bound to sell the knife to any one entering his shop and offering to him four shillings. 4 A mere display of a gold watch at 25
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Accounting Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accounting Question - Essay Example In addition, it is essential in the recognition of deferred tax liabilities and assets in relation to future tax consequences. On the contrary, the latter’s objective is to give the financial information which is very useful to the potential investors and creditors in making decisions about investing or providing resources to that particular organization (Kieso, 2013). For this reason, financial reports are meant for the public consumption because they show what the company can offer should they wish to make investments with them. Qn. 2. The Health of Ontario Pension Plan is of the view that pension plans are very useful because they encourage most employees to save and be certain about the future. In this context, defined-contribution and defined-benefit types of pension plans will form a major part of the discussion. Defined-benefit plan is where factors like salary, period of employment and personal history determine the benefits an employee gets. On the contrary, defined-contribution plan is where a company specifies a certain percentage of money each year that is of benefit to the employee. Defined-benefit plan’s advantages; it offers income security to the employee, shields employees from uncertainties in investment risks, allows employees to estimate their future pensions among others. However, its main disadvantages are it offers inaccuracy in the estimates, difficult in summing up all the assumptions under the DB plan, and lastly it has got many issues revolving around the off-balance sheet pe nsion accounting. The defined-contribution pension plan is important because employers are relieved from paying tax, contributions made by employees are transferred to the next of kin should the die before getting a share and contributions are voluntary. Its disadvantages are it only offers security on savings while ignoring the income, it leaves members liable to the investment risk, and members cannot estimate their total contributions and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Market research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Market research - Essay Example Marketing research often specifies the required information to address some of these issues, designs of proper methodology for collecting information, management and implementation of the data gathering process, analysis of the results, as well as the aspect of communicating the ultimate findings and implications (McNulty, 2014). Market research generally has to do with systematic act of recording, gathering and analysing of quantitative and quantitative data involving issues that relates to marketing of goods and services. The main objective of this element is the identification and assessment of the changing marketing mix and customer elements (Inc. (Firm), 2014). Market research is mainly concerned particularly with the general market perspectives and processes. Customer marketing research usually refers to a form of functional sociology that lays its major concentration on greater understanding of the attitudes, preferences, and the consumers’ behaviours within each and every market-based economy. The main aim is the element of trying to understand the comparative success and impacts of various marketing campaigns (Inc. (Firm), 2014). The main task with regards to marketing research is the provision of proper management with accurate, relevant, valid, reliable and latest information. This often works towards solving various marketing issues that emerge mainly due to competition within the marketing environment. Competitive environment, together with an ever-increasing cost that are often attributed to the aspect of inadequate decision making techniques that needs the marketing research to offer sound information (Inc. (Firm), 2014). The basis of intuition, gut feeling or pure judgment should not be involved when it comes to the aspect of making sound decisions. Marketing managers often make various tactical
Monday, September 23, 2019
Ritz Carlton Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ritz Carlton - Case Study Example According to the hotels motto employees are considered as valuable and important as the customers they serve, "We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen" (McDonald, 2004). The company believes that their employees are its greatest assets and should be treated as such. The hotel is very selective in hiring employees that they believe will be suitable for the job. They take in consideration the perspective employees personality and attitude rather than just hiring based on experience. This method allows the hotel to select employees that not only will provide excellent customer service but will also be happy with the job they are doing. According to a director of training at one the hotels locations, "If you want to achieve service excellence, you must select people who want to go with you" (Lampton, 2003). After they are hired, the hotel provides all employees with extensive training that prepares them to face any difficulties that they may encounter on the job. It is estimated that the Ritz-Carlton spends an average of $5000 training each new hire (McDonald, 2004). The secret to Ritz-Carlton's high employee retention rate is not high wages or perks. In fact, wages and benefits are equivalent to any other luxury hotel. The key to company's high retention rate is creating an environment in which employees feel that they are valued members of a dedicated team and are treated with respect. Employee birthdays are celebrated along with employment anniversaries (McDonald, 2004). Hotel leaders have high expectations from each staff member but do not expect them to perform tasks that they themselves cannot accomplish. Obviously, these methods are proving to be very effective since the annual employee turnover rate in Ritz-Carlton hotels is 25% while other luxury hotels have a rate of 44% (Lampton, 2003). Employees are involved in the process of change rather than having it forced upon them from hotel management. For example, at some hotel locations employees are videotaped performing everyday duties such as setting tables. Later, participating employees watch the videotape with management and discuss ways in which their service can be improved (Lampton, 2003). In addition, every employee has the power to spend up to $2,000 to resolve a guest's problem without having to ask management for approval. This hands on method results in a high employee satisfaction rate by giving employees more control over their profession and motivates them to do a better job by involving them directly in the change process (McDonald, 2004). The hotel has an open door policy when it comes to accessibility. Dissatisfied employees can easily talk to hotel managers about any problems that they may encounter on the job and ask for guidance. On a routine basis, employees are involved in 15-minute daily talks in which they discuss the core values of the hotel such as excellent customer service. This method enforces enthusiasm among the employees because they have a chance to share their work experiences with each other. The Ritz-Carlton is one of very few large companies that focuses attention on core values on a daily basis (McDonald, 2004). Although the hotel does an excellent job at making employees, feel valued and provides excellent training at times its methods can be a little
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Philosophical thinking Essay Example for Free
Philosophical thinking Essay There are many forms of philosophical thinking that humans tend to immerse themselves into. Sometimes, even the realm of self idolatry can be a subject of one’s happiness in pursuit of his own idea of what is satisfactory. In a more conventional identification of this act, vanity can become an obsession and may induce certain effects to one’s character. According to Wikipedia, vanity is a form of self gratification with regards to one’s belief about his or her attractiveness and abilities. Most of the time, people with this philosophy tend to excessively compliment themselves without entertaining any forms of negative perception from the people around them. In religious perspectives, vanity is a form of idolatry to oneself in which a person may become too overwhelmed with his characteristics that he tends to ignore any other beings superior than what he is supposed to be, bypassing the concept of god. In modern times, vanity can be easily spotted and may be identified to almost all societies in the world. One may identify a vain person by simply observing the way he acts with regards to how he projects himself to the public. For example, a person may always need to do make up retouching, consistently apply perfumes and even always engage in small acts of looking for runs and protruding fibers out of his clothes. In some cases, vanity can also be identified not only in physical perspectives but also in one’s philosophy. Vain people tend to always tell self proclaimed abilities about how they can handle situations which seem to be a problem for others. With such acts, some people may even interpret them as a form of arrogance. It would be a fulfilling experience if someone will tell you compliments about how you look and praise what you can do, but the aim to always look forward for this reactions from people can become an obsession and may lead to vanity. Works Cited Wikipedia. November 7 2007. Vanity. Wikipedia-The Free Encyclopedia. November 19, 2007 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vanity.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pros And Cons Criminal Profiling In Criminal Cases Criminology Essay
Pros And Cons Criminal Profiling In Criminal Cases Criminology Essay Many people who hear someone say they are a criminal profiler they are inclined to think of T.V. depicted shows such as Profilers, Criminal Minds and movies like Silence of the Lambs. Unfortunately, these examples portray a glamorous classification of capturing criminals (Fulero and Wrightsman, pg.79). Criminal profiling is considered to be the process of analyzing a crime scene and using the information found to determine the identity or features of a perpetrator. Although this does not give you the perpetrators name, it can be helpful in narrowing down suspects. For example, a profiling based on a crime scene provides information that may include personality, sex, age, ethnic background, and possible physical features such as scars, tattoos, birthmarks, or height and weight of the perpetrator. This type of information can be used to identify possible suspects, but it also depends on who fits the profile ( The process of psychological profiling was first used as a method in America during the 1950s. Investigators found fascinating patterns and similarities between serial killers behaviors. Selected patterns found consist of the killers having suffered from abuse at a young age. Whether it was sexual or physical this kind of abuse led to abnormal behaviors later on. During a range of young ages through teenage years, they would start fires and they were cruel to animals or other children. Then in the late teenage years to early twenties, were engaging in petty crime and defying authority ( According to some, committing serious criminal acts usually starts at about or around the persons mid to late 20s. Particularly at this older age range being able to manipulate victims and show a significance of power or domination is a main motivation for criminals, as well sexual intentions. Murdering someone gives the perpetrator sense of control in which they have never had before. Some criminals feel that they need to relive the events that occurred during the murder or crime, so they take something of personal value from the victim. Such as, jewelry, clothing and they go as far as body parts ( Â Personality is considered by many to be one of the most important parts of criminal profiling. The personality profiles of criminals are the way in which a crime is committed, also known as the method of operations or M.O. The M.O. includes the identity of the victim, what the victim or victims have in common, the weapons that were used, the lack of sympathy, and the sign of any torture and/or sexual molestation. Analyzing these aspects of the crime scene, an investigator can determine the motives of the perpetrator. This can lead to the description of the perpetrators personality, or a personality profile ( Appropriately, criminal profilers have methods in which they operate by. According to www.criminalprofiling .ch, there are seven profiling methods and six scientific approaches to profiling of criminal suspects. In the profiling methods, the first is the evaluation of the criminal act itself. Included in the act would be the M.O. and the signature. The signature is in disregards to why he does the acts he does, or the thing that fulfills him emotionally. Then an evaluation of the precision of the crime scene or scenes would be taken. An analysis of the victim or victims is conduced, this is also known as victimology. Victimology is the thorough study and analysis of victim characteristics. The characteristics of an individual offenders victim population of choice, in a single offense or over time, can lend themselves to deductive inferences about offender motive, modus operandi, and the determination of crime scene signature. Subsequently, an evaluation of the preliminary police reports is seized, as well as the medical examiners autopsy protocol. As a result, the set up of a profile with critical offender characteristics is constructed. Lastly, an investigative suggestion to a prediction on the construct of the profile is constructed. The next level is to check with local investigators and propose practical strategies to get the unidentified subject or UNSUB to make a move. Then there are the scientific approaches to profiling criminal suspects. Initially there is profiling inputs. Inside this first stage an accumulation of all information about the crime is pulled together. Information that includes physical evidence from the crime scene, photographs of the crime scene, any autopsy reports and photos, witness testimonies, background information about the victim or victims and police reports. At this stage the criminal profiler does not want to know about suspects because it could cause a prejudice direction to their profile. Second are the decision process models. Within the decision processing model the profiler organizes all information into questions and patterns through many dimensions of criminal activities. Questions such as, what type of homicide has been committed, what is the primary motive of the crime and so on. Third is the crime assessment. Based on the findings of the other stages, the profiler tries to recreate the behavior of the offend er and the victim. For example, as general profiling rules say: vile facial injuries are directed to killers who know their victims, murders committed with any weapon that happens to be available display greater impulsivity than murders committed with a gun and may reveal a killer who lives rather closely to the victim and murders performed early in the morning rarely involve alcohol or drug use ( Fourth is the initial criminal profile. This is where the profiler formulates the scetch of the most likely suspects. The majority of usual profiles include such items as the perpetrators race, marital status, sex, age, where they live, employment history, past criminal records, psychological characteristics and beliefs and values. Fifth is the investigation stage. The investigation stage involves a written report that is given to the investigators that concentrate on suspects matching the profile. Most likely the police have already talked to the suspected but ha d no reason to doubt the suspects testimony. Still, if evidence is introduced at this stage the profile would need to be revised. Preceding the investigation stage is the apprehension stage. Ultimately, the main objective of the stages was to capture the right suspect which in turn leads to the interview technique. With the purpose of getting the perpetrator to confess or talk about the crimes he has committed, this technique can lead to helping in assessing he influences of background and psychological variables ( Investigators putting together a profile use another two approaches inductive and deductive. Inductive profiling imply believing that when a criminal commits a crime they have relate motive or experience of someone who has committed the same type of crime . An example of this is re-offending rapists whose target is white women, more often than not are most likely not to be black. Based on the fact that crimes in the past that have been similar have rarely crossed racial lines. However, these statements have been inquired and have encountered a lot of publicized negative aspects. Deductive profiling involves a process that avoids generalizations and averages. This method involves carefully studying suspects in great detail and changing findings in when new evidence emerges. A deductive profile is established on the offenders actions prior to, in the course of and after committing the crime. For example, if the murderer used a provisional weapon, the investigators are then able to assume that the crime was most likely random. Another example entails serial murderers. At this juncture, investigators are able to find out if the murder was organized. Which means that the killer carried out a planned attack on the victim, or if the attack was disorganized the murder was unplanned and the killer conducted themselves in an inexact way. Organized killers tend to carry a tool kit that has a mask, gloves, duct tape and rope. With these tools they can bind their victims while hiding their identity and not leave finger prints. The Inductive profiling model, due to the lack of training and education of those who use it, has been proven to be an unreliable investigative tool. No standard terminology exists to describe offender behavior, and no classifications that have been developed have been absolutely validated. Still, those classifications have been developed using the same structure and philosophy as the DSM, short for The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, despite the intention that the DSM be used for the purposes of treatment, and not being designed for the purposes of criminal investigation. The adoption of this clinical model, then, serves no other real purpose than to lend pseudo-clinical credibility to the classification. The model arguably does not serve the purpose that it was designed for. Additionally, initial statistical analysis based on unproven classifications and non-uniform terminologies are no replacement for a thorough forensic reconstruction, crime scene analysis, and victimological assessment in either a criminal investigation or in a court of law. Given this fact, and given the extensive liability of police departments in high profile cases involving overly enthusiastic investigators armed with Inductive Profile evidence, and the generally unacceptability of Inductive Profile evidence in a court of law, the practice of teaching investigators purely Inductive Profiling methods should end. The Deductive Profiling method, although more time devoted to investigators, will prove to be more valuable because of its beneficial use as a guide, its ability to link together crimes, and because of its extremely high providing of proof value in terms of thoroughly establishing signature and motivation. Briefly, the Deductive Profiling method promotes refection, capability, carefulness, and requires an elevated degree of intra- and extra-departmental unification and communication. The Inductive Profiling method supports selfishness, short-cuts, and has been used before to substitute an experienced investigation into fact. Criminal profiling is used not only to find possible offenders, but it also helps narrow down a list of offenders that the police have already compiled. Although it doesnt work in every case, criminal profiling has helped investigators to catch many criminals. Through assessing the patterns and motives of previous criminals, criminal profiling allows investigators to accurately predict the characteristics of future and current offenders, which allows killers and other perpetrators to be caught before they can continue on to other crimes ( Predictable, criminal profiling does have disadvantages, or cons. Some cons to criminal profiling involve not being able to identify a specific suspect nor reveal a certain individual, let alone an address or phone number. There are even instances when perpetrators purposely staging crime scenes to throw police and investigators off the right track. In many instances, the profiler will not know that area making more room for erroneous conclusions. Furthermore, profilers tend to have more background knowledge in psychopathology than the little background they have in forensic or criminal knowledge. Hence if the investigators and profilers do not work together it can cause the investigation to go unsolved because the information collected from both parties has not been collaborated. While there are cons or disadvantages to criminal profiling not surprisingly there are the pros to criminal profiling. A few advantages comprise of being able to help police with an investigation by making judgment from the crime scene that will give the authorities an idea of how to catch the criminal. There are two types of offender profiling which are the Top-down approach and the Bottom-up approach. The Top-down approach looks at the evidence and data of previous crimes and how they have been solved. The Bottom-up theory seems to profile a criminal in the opposite way. It takes the evidence with the data and builds it up until a reasonable conclusion is reached. Although many people in todays society watch television and see shows that involve criminal profiling, it is a huge misunderstanding of what profiling can truly accomplish. Criminal profilers operating in the sensitive area of criminal investigations receive greater public attention and therefore, will have to display caution in the conclusions they draw in a case. It is always important to recognize that the results of the profiling process are only as proficient as the original investigative efforts and processes which provide or fail to provide the physical evidence from which criminal behavior is reconstructed.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Postoperative pulmonary complications
Postoperative pulmonary complications INTRODUCTION: Abdominal surgery involves a high risk of the development of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). This is thought to be due to the disruption of normal respiratory muscle activity when a patient is anaesthetised, thereby impairing ventilation, expectoration and forced residual capacity (Auler et al 2002, Warner 2000). This may continue postoperatively leading to atelectasis, pneumonia and respiratory dysfunction (Richardson and Sabanathan 1997). Furthermore, abdominal pain resulting from the surgical incision may limit deep breathing (Dias 2008). Exercises which promote lung inflation may help to counteract the decreased lung volumes which patients tend to present with following surgery (Guimarà £es 2009). Incentive spirometry (IS) is commonly used as a prophylactic treatment to prevent pulmonary complications following surgery. An incentive spirometer is a device that uses visual feedback, such as raising a ball to a line, to encourage a maximal, sustained inspiration (Overend 2001). IS is often promoted as a useful tool for rehabilitation of the respiratory muscle function following surgery. It is hypothesised that inspiration to full capacity discourages the development of atelectasis by preventing the collapse of the alveoli, and encourages correct respiratory muscle control and coordination, thereby decreasing the incidence of PPCs (Overend 2001). Incentive spirometry is a low-cost intervention, and allows the patient to experience regular rehabilitation with minimal therapist hours (Hall 1991). However, recent arguments have claimed that this technique has little more effect than conventional physiotherapy, deep breathing methods or no intervention at all (Dias 2008). Several recent randomised controlled trials have attempted to determine the effect of incentive spirometry in comparison to other interventions such as deep breathing exercises, or no specific post-operative rehabilitation. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate recent literature to determine the prophylactic effect of incentive spirometry for the avoidance of pulmonary complications in patients recovering from abdominal surgery. METHOD: A wide-ranging search of the literature was carried out, utilizing a series of key words deemed optimal for recruitment of relevant articles (Table 1). Several databases were searched by this method (Appendix 1). These included PubMed, PEDro, CINAHL, Medline via OVID and Cochrane. Reference lists sourced from several of these articles were then hand-searched. Limits were set to locate randomised controlled trials on humans, published in English from 1985 onwards. Articles published prior to 1985 were deemed to be potentially unreliable and irrelevant due to the advances in technology and medical knowledge regarding respiratory physiotherapy since this time. Articles which fulfilled the inclusion criteria (Table 2) were then assessed for methodological quality using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) Scale. The PEDro Scale is an 11-item Scale devised to rate the methodological quality of randomised controlled trials relating to physiotherapy (Maher et al 2003). The components of the PEDro Scale are seen in Table 3. The PEDro Scale was selected to consider the value of the methodology used for each RCT because there is a high level of recent, independent evidence to indicate that the scores generated by this Scale are of sufficient reliability to support decision-making in physiotherapy (Maher et al 2003, Mosely et al 2002). The RCTs assessed by the author were all included within the PEDro database, thus had already been rated by persons with specific training in applying the PEDro Score to RCTs. The scores gained from this are therefore regarded to display a high level of accuracy. Prior to assessment, the exclusion criteria was set as a PEDro Score of less than five out of ten. A PEDro Score of five or greater is evidential of a study of moderate to high quality (Mosely et al 2002). A summary table (Appendix 2) was constructed to display the information retrieved from the four articles included in the review. This data included: PEDro Score, sample size and follow-up, outcome variables, intervention, limitations, results and clinical implications of the findings. This systematic review evaluated the benefit of the use of incentive spirometry in comparison to a control group or other intervention. This was achieved by considering the incidence of pulmonary complications (defined by a variety of outcome variables) between the groups involved in each trial. RESULTS: Search method and study selection: The initial search produced 85 non-duplicate articles of which 24 were screened. The criteria for inclusion into the review are documented in Table 2. After reading the abstract of the 24 articles selected, a further 16 records failed to meet one or more of the inclusion criteria. The remaining eight articles were then assessed for eligibility by applying the exclusion criteria (Table 2). One review article was excluded. Three RCTs were deemed to exhibit low methodological quality having produced a PEDro Score of less than five out of ten, and were excluded. The remaining four RCTs selected for the review are documented in Appendix 2. The complete search process is shown by Figure 1. Methodological quality: Table 4 shows the level of methodological quality for each article. All articles rated six or above on the PEDro Scale, and demonstrated competency in the aspects of random allocation, baseline comparison, assessor blinding, and adequate follow up. Those trials by Stock et al (1985) and Schwieger et al (1986) failed to include concealed allocation and intention to treat. Due to the nature of the intervention, none of the trials had subject or therapist blinding. Intervention and outcome variables: The four studies selected for the review include the use of IS as an intervention. Outcome variables were obtained from common methods used to diagnose pulmonary complications, including (but not limited to) blood gas analyses, body temperature, sputum analysis, chest radiography and spirometry. None of the studies documented in Appendix 2 found any significant difference between the intervention of IS and other intervention or control groups in the development of pulmonary complications. Pulmonary complications: Hall et al (1991) compared the intervention of IS to a control group of patients receiving conventional chest physiotherapy. Pulmonary complications developed in 15.8% (95% CI 14.0-17.6%) of those patients undergoing regular maximal inspirations with the use of an incentive spirometer, compared to 15.3% (95% CI 13.6 17.0%) of patients receiving conventional chest physiotherapy (Hall et al 1991). Similarly, Schwieger et al (1986) found no statistically significant benefit to promote the use of IS. 40% of those patients performing regular IS developed pulmonary complications. The control group, receiving no specialized post operative respiratory care, had a 30% incidence of the development of respiratory complications (Schwieger et al 1985). Two studies (Hall et al 1996, Stock et al 1985) compared IS against other interventions designed to have a prophylactic effect on the development of pulmonary complications following abdominal surgery. Hall et al (1996) found that IS has different levels of efficacy depending on a patients risk of developing a PPC. Post operative respiratory complications were found in 8% of low risk patients randomised to receive incentive spirometry, and in 11% of those who undertook deep breathing exercises. PPCs were detected in 19% of high risk patients receiving IS and 13% of patients who received a combination of IS and conventional chest physiotherapy (Hall et al 1996). Stock et al (1985) found no notable difference in the development of PPCs between patients randomised to IS, continuous passive airway pressure and coughing and deep breathing exercises. Post operative atelectasis All of the studies considered in this review included the presence of atelectasis detected by radiograph as a specific outcome variable to indicate a PPC. No studies showed a significant difference in the presence of post operative atelectasis between groups. Swieger et al (1986) found atelectasis to affect 30% of the IS group and 25% of the control group. Stock et al (1985) recorded a 24 hour postoperative incidence of atelectasis of 50%, 32% and 41% for patients receiving incentive spirometry, coughing and deep breathing exercises and continuous passive airway pressure, respectively (p FEV/FVC Two studies (Stock et al 1985, Swieger et al 1986) considered the change in forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity following abdominal surgery. Stock et al (1985) noted an average decline of forced vital capacity to 49%, 62% and 69% of the preoperative value at 24, 48 and 72 postoperative hours respectively (p DISCUSSION: This systematic review provides a comparative analysis of the use of incentive spirometry for a prophylactic effect on the development of pulmonary complications following abdominal surgery. Four RCTs comprised the results analysed in this review. Two of these articles rated 6/10 on the PEDro Scale (Stock et al 1985, Swieger et al 1986) and two articles were awarded a score of 8/10 (Hall et al 1991, Hall et al 1996). While each study evaluated the use of IS for prevention of PPCs following abdominal surgery, the comparisons within each study varied. Only one trial (Schwieger et al 1986) compared the IS intervention group to a control group which received no specialised post operative respiratory care. Hall et al (1991) instead considered the IS intervention group to patients receiving conventional chest physiotherapy. Two trials, (Hall et al 1996, Stock et al 1985) compared the use of incentive spirometry to other specific respiratory physiotherapy modalities. Hall et al (1996) also investigated the effect of the patients putative risk factors on their incidence of development of PPCs. It is difficult to make comparisons between the selected studies, due to the high variance of intra-study comparison. Participants Two of the studies had high numbers of participants (Hall et al 1991, Hall et al 1996), allowing for the assumption to be made that the results gained from this are accurate and representative of the sample population. Two studies had comparatively low numbers of participants (Stock et al 1985; n=64. Swieger et al 1986; n= 40). The studies with low participation rate exhibited high levels of incidence of PPCs compared to the larger studies. This indicates that the low number of participants may have caused an exaggeration of the incidence of PPCs considered in these studies. The overall male: female ratio of the studies investigated was 679:758. The gender imbalance was particularly pronounced in the trials which had low levels of participation (Stock et al 1985, Swieger et al 1986), with females outnumbering males. This makes the results more generalizable to females and decreases external validity (Juni et al 2001). This is particularly important to the analysis of respiratory function due the gender-related differences regarding function, shape and size of the lungs and the chest cavities (Becklake and Kauffman 1999). This can alter the respiratory mechanics and thus create gender biased results (Auler 2002). Publication bias is also a possible limitation of this review. Studies which obtained undesirable results are less likely to be published, thus the available literature may be biased toward a favourable outcome (Egger 1998). Intervention and outcomes The intervention itself may create bias with respect to using the comparability between the studies evaluated in this review. The administration of incentive spirometry varied slightly between trials. For example, in the trial by Schwieger et al (1986), patients were instructed to breathe deeply (with use of IS) for five minutes hourly, twelve times daily for three postoperative days. The participants in the study by Hall et al (1996) required patients to maximally inspire and hold ten times per hour. This means that broad term of incentive spirometry may actually correlate to a slightly different intervention for each study, so the incentive spirometry results evaluated in this review may not be entirely comparable. The comparable intervention of conventional chest physiotherapy is also questionable as this could also involve incentive spirometry, thus give the same results as IS whilst appearing as a separate intervention. There was inconsistency in follow up time between the four trials (see Appendix 2), which makes it difficult to pool results. Variances of outcome measures across the four studies were also a source of limitation. Outcome variables for each study are summarised in Appendix 2. The definition for pulmonary complication is potentially limiting as this would affect the diagnosis and thus results gained. The professional ability of those assessing the outcome measures (e.g radiologists) needs to be taken into account. Trial methodology Due to the nature of incentive spirometry, neither patient nor therapist blinding was carried out. This introduces the possibility of performance bias and detection bias (Juni et al 2001). Concealed allocation was missing from two studies ( Stock et al 1985, Schwieger et al 1986). A lack of concealed allocation allows for the possibility that an investigator may change who gets the next assignment, thus making the intervention group less comparable to the control group (Shulz 2000). Intention to treat analysis is also devoid in two studies (Stock et al 1985, Schwieger et al 1986), therefore clinical effectiveness may be overestimated in these trials (Hollis and Campbell, 1999). CONCLUSIONS: This review found that there is currently no evidence to support the hypothesis that incentive spirometry has a prophylactic effect on the incidence of pulmonary complications in patients recovering from abdominal surgery, compared to other physiotherapy modalities such as deep breathing exercises and conventional physiotherapy. Another recent systematic review (Guimarà £es et al 2009) has obtained similar findings. One study (Schwieger 1986) found that there is no significant difference in the development of PPCs between post abdominal surgery patients receiving incentive spirometry and those who received no specialised post operative respiratory care. This was the only study to compare incentive spirometry against a control group receiving no other form of physiotherapy, so it is difficult to completely rule out the possibility that IS may have some prophylactic effect which has been masked by an equal prophylactic effect of the other therapies. The clinical implications of this i s that if incentive spirometry does in fact provide some prophylactic effect on postoperative abdominal surgery patients, this benefit is no greater than that provided by other forms of physiotherapy. IS is less cost effective than deep breathing exercises, but requires less therapist hours than conventional physiotherapy. Therefore, a higher level of adequate and conclusive research needs to be done before incentive spirometry can be promoted as having a prophylactic effect on the incidence of PPCs following abdominal surgery. Articles used as a template for the review format: Andersson G, Mekhail N and Block J.(2006). Treatment of Intractable Discogenic Low Back Pain. A Systematic Review of Spinal Fusion and Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (Idet). Pain Physician; 9: 237-248. Dodd K, Taylor N and Damiano D. (2002). A systematic review of the effectiveness of strength-training programs for people with cerebral palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 83: 1157 1164. Viswanathan P and Kidd M. (2009). Effect of Continuous Passive Motion Following Total Knee Arthroplasty on Knee Range of Motion and Function: A Systematic Review. Unpublished article. University of Otago, School of Physiotherapy. Dunedin, New Zealand. Articles used in review: Hall J, Tarala R, Harris J, Tapper J and Christiansen K. (1991). Incentive Spirometry versus routine chest physiotherapy for prevention of respiratory complications after abdominal surgery. Lancet 337: 953-956. Hall J, Tarala R, Tapper J and Hall J. (1996). Prevention of respiratory complications after abdominal surgery: a randomised clinical trial. British Medical Journal 312: 148-152. Schwieger I, Gamulin Z, Forster A, Meyer P, Gemperle M and Suter P. (1986). Absence of benefit of incentive spirometry in low-risk patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy. A controlled randomized study. Chest 89: 652-656. Stock C, Downs J, Gauer P, Alster J and Imrey P. (1985). Prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications with CPAP, incentive spirometry and conservative therapy. Chest 87: 151-157. Other references: Auler J, Miyoshi E, Fernandes C, Bensenor F, Elias L and Bonassa J. (2002). The effects of abdominal opening on respiratory mechanics during general anaesthesia in normal and morbidly obese patients: A comparative study. Anesthesia and Analgesia 94: 741-8. Becklake M and Kauffmann F. (1999). Gender differences in airway behaviour over the human lifespan. Thorax 54: 1119 1138. Egger M and Smith G. (1998). Meta-analysis bias in selection and location of studies. British Medical Journal 316: 61-66. Guimarà £es M, El Dib R, Smith A and Matos D. (2009). Incentive spirometry for prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications in upper abdominal surgery.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2009, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD006058 Hollis F and Campbell S. (1999). What is meant by intention to treat analysis? Survey of published randomised controlled trials. British Medical Journal 319: 670-674. Juni P, Altman D and Egger M. (2001). Systematic reviews in health care: Assessing the quality of controlled clinical trials. British Medical Journal 323: 42-46. Maher C. (2000) A systematic review of workplace interventions to prevent low back pain. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 46: 259-269. Maher M, Sherrington C, Herbert R, Mosely A and Elkins M. (2003). Reliability of the PEDro Scale for rating quality of randomised controlled trials. Physical Therapy; 83: 713-721. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J and Altman DG. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. British Medical Journal 339: 332-339. Mosely A, Herbert R, Sherrington C and Maher C. (2002). Evidence for physiotherapy practice: A survey of the physiotherapy evidence database (PEDro). Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 48: 43-49. Overend T, Anderson C, Lucy S, Bhatia C, Jonsson B and Timmermans C. (2001). The effect of incentive spirometry on postoperative pulmonary complications: A systematic review. Chest 120: 971-978. Richardson J and Sabanathan S. (1997). Prevention of respiratory complications after abdominal surgery. Thorax 52: 35-40. Schulz K. (2001). Assessing allocation concealment and blinding in randomised controlled trials: why bother? Evidence Based Nursing 4: 4-6. Warner D.(2000). Preventing postoperative pulmonary complications: The role of the anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology 192: 1467-72.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Interview Essay - Beverly Smith -- Interview Essays
Interview Essay - Beverly Smith Beverly Smith is currently 70 years old. She was raised in Fullerton and was part of a family of five children. Her mother influenced her life greatly. Beverly grew up quickly as a result of her mother's death when she was only 11 years old. Her mother was well honored by many. Beverly is actively involved in her religion, and enjoys exercising, and listening to music. Beverly's definition of happiness is "where your heart is involved, it is a focus outside of yourself." At times, she chooses to be contented rather than happy. As a child, she did not discuss her feelings, and it was hard for her to know when she was happy. When she is unhappy, Beverly turns to her faith. She practices what she preaches. She also turns to her close friends. Beverly says that she is wealthy in her friendships. Physical fitness is very important for Beverly's sense of happiness. She walked four miles to work for sixteen years, and now she attends aerobics class twice a week, reads her Bible daily, and enjoys listening to music. It makes Beverly unhappy that she does not get to spend time with her children. She says that she would like to get to know them better. In regard to dealing with difficult people, Beverly told the story about a neighbor of hers. This neighbor has a bad attitude and used to upset Beverly so much that she would cry every day before work, but now, she has learned not to let it affect her. She said that she also does not hold grudges. When Beverly's mother died, she was only 11 years old and it was terribly hard for her. She was the youngest of her brothers and sisters. They each had their own interests and activities, so she often found herself feeling lonely. Her childhood affect... ... focus on differences more than relationships. Beverly is usually pleased with herself because she is usually happy. She does not work on perfection, but on excellence. She is also comfortable with herself and with being alone. She is very interested with religion and would like to study more. Even though she has many male friends, she would like to have a man in her life. Her advice for finding happiness is to stay open to life, run with every experience, and always get up when you fall. My interview with Beverly Smith really helped me to stay open to the many possibilities life holds for me. It helped me to realize that I should follow my passions in order to be happy and how much the decisions I make now affect my future. I hope that someday I can achieve at least half as much as she has in her life. I admire her independence, charisma, and perseverance. Interview Essay - Beverly Smith -- Interview Essays Interview Essay - Beverly Smith Beverly Smith is currently 70 years old. She was raised in Fullerton and was part of a family of five children. Her mother influenced her life greatly. Beverly grew up quickly as a result of her mother's death when she was only 11 years old. Her mother was well honored by many. Beverly is actively involved in her religion, and enjoys exercising, and listening to music. Beverly's definition of happiness is "where your heart is involved, it is a focus outside of yourself." At times, she chooses to be contented rather than happy. As a child, she did not discuss her feelings, and it was hard for her to know when she was happy. When she is unhappy, Beverly turns to her faith. She practices what she preaches. She also turns to her close friends. Beverly says that she is wealthy in her friendships. Physical fitness is very important for Beverly's sense of happiness. She walked four miles to work for sixteen years, and now she attends aerobics class twice a week, reads her Bible daily, and enjoys listening to music. It makes Beverly unhappy that she does not get to spend time with her children. She says that she would like to get to know them better. In regard to dealing with difficult people, Beverly told the story about a neighbor of hers. This neighbor has a bad attitude and used to upset Beverly so much that she would cry every day before work, but now, she has learned not to let it affect her. She said that she also does not hold grudges. When Beverly's mother died, she was only 11 years old and it was terribly hard for her. She was the youngest of her brothers and sisters. They each had their own interests and activities, so she often found herself feeling lonely. Her childhood affect... ... focus on differences more than relationships. Beverly is usually pleased with herself because she is usually happy. She does not work on perfection, but on excellence. She is also comfortable with herself and with being alone. She is very interested with religion and would like to study more. Even though she has many male friends, she would like to have a man in her life. Her advice for finding happiness is to stay open to life, run with every experience, and always get up when you fall. My interview with Beverly Smith really helped me to stay open to the many possibilities life holds for me. It helped me to realize that I should follow my passions in order to be happy and how much the decisions I make now affect my future. I hope that someday I can achieve at least half as much as she has in her life. I admire her independence, charisma, and perseverance.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay on Freedom in Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Spirit of Freedom in The Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God Freedom takes many different forms. There is personal freedom, societal freedom, mental freedom, and physical freedom. Freedom is not tangible, but may be achieved through many experiences. Different aspects of freedom are apparent in both The Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God. In The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the freedom moves from the outside into Celie and then out again. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, the freedom stems from within Janie but is prompted by certain outside forces. Both women experience freedom, and the freedom grows from within and is radiated outward. In The Color Purple Celie evolves from being oppressed by Mr.____ and society to being free in every possible sense. The spark of freedom starts from within her and radiates outward with each new catalyst. Shug is Celie's first source of freedom. She teaches Celie to be free in her thoughts and to respect what she thinks and feels. Shug makes Celie realize that it's okay to think what she thinks and to feel what she feels. "Why Miss Celie, she say, you still a virgin" (Walker p.81). Sofia is Celie's second source of freedom. While Sofia herself does not tell Celie anything, she relates free feelings and ideas to Celie. For a time, Sofia was, in every way, unfree. And Celie knew that Sofia did not want to be that way. Celie learned that she could never give up hope, and that made her actions free. Although Mr._____ oppressed and hindered Celie, he was finally a source of freedom. When he gave Celie the telegram that said Nettie was dead, and all her letters t... ...her life. When he was gone she had nothing else to look after in life except herself. She was like a little seed, able to blow in the wind and go wherever she chose to go. Janie's mind, spirit, and body were free. "She pulled in her horizon like a great fish-net... [and] she called in her soul to come and see" (Hurston p. ?). Freedom is a central theme in these two novels. Freedom is a subjective concept and each person must ultimately find his or her own freedom in order to be truly free. The character's freedom often stems from other characters or events but is always a result of inner strength and will-power. The supporting characters or events act only to bring out the inner freedom and to empower that freedom. As Epictetus once said, "He is free who lives as he chooses." And both these characters were finally able to live as they chose.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Discrimination and Stereotyping
Prejudice, stereotype and discrimination are merely against for anyone for any reasons as they were defined(Rand, Sowell, & Epstein, 2007). Prejudice, a feeling based not a belief based, is referred to as unconstructive judgment or opinion figured out lacking familiarity and knowledge on facts. It is only a feeling based on assumptions without considering any prior facts about the group being prejudge. Prejudice is often based on stereotype. One great cause of prejudice is the differences on skills, talents, beliefs and experience even though sometimes these differences benefit us.For an instance, on social classes, we feel wealthy classes are said to be superior to any other classes in society. Stereotype is referred to conventional opinion as any mental image of social group regardless of individual differences. At some point, stereotype can also be seen in positive outlook, for an instance the stereotype for Asian Americans being good in the field of Mathematics. Stereotype is som etimes the foundation of prejudice. Discrimination being known to as prejudice in action, it referred to as the unlikely treatment for other people in terms of race, culture or religion.An example is the discrimination on African Americans due to their color, treating them unequally from the White Americans(Educators, 2006). Prejudice, stereotype and discriminations have some negative impacts on the society as they may are said to be harmful behaviors. It may lead to limitations of opportunities for people who said to be of lesser standard than others (Phone, 2007). The limitations may be of many cases like in popularity, achieving no equal rights to gain popularity. In employment and promotion, only those think and believe to be capable of the job were brought in to employment and get promoted.In having rights and power, like the black who does not have equal privileges as white ones. The Scenerio Prejudice, stereotype and discrimination on the scenario or case of Elizabeth who is a second-grade school teacher is exemplified. There exists discrimination when he only praises Walt than Ricky, just because Ricky comes from a lower class society and on the other hand Walt from middle class, Elizabeth provides not equal treatment as should praise both of them when answers correctly and should giving a helping hand for both of the students whenever they commit mistake which was merely opposite to the scenario.The action done by Elizabeth is the harmful behavior of discrimination. She shows no favorable response for Ricky being in the lower class. Stereotypically speaking, the scenario shows stereotype behavior because Elizabeth believes that Walt has greater knowledge the Ricky. Elizabeth may be in doubt of Ricky’s intelligence that is why she does have not significant time praising him and helping him and not giving equal chances for both students to show what they have got..And also the prejudice behavior relates with stereotype, while Elizabeth believes n ot for Ricky’s capabilities, she does a pre judgment that maybe Ricky will took hard time to cope up even though it is only his opinion. And that opinion may lead to hasty generalization or wrong generalization. The scenario or case being tackled is only one of those situations that involve prejudice, stereotype and discrimination. The case may affect both students, Walt and Ricky, but in opposite and much different manner. For Walt, it may be a positive effect on him for instance that he may live a world with praises which can help him develop self esteem.On the other hand, Ricky might suffer fear of interacting with other people of different class with him. He may become a victim of limitations from opportunities as one of the main result of prejudice, stereotype and discrimination. He might also lose his privilege and freedom to learn and also his right as a child to new more about his world and surroundings. Implicit Association Test In connection with prejudice, stereoty pe and discrimination, I took the Implicit Association Test. This test shows whether I had hidden biases towards different people. In the IAT, I took the Weapons (‘Weapons – Harmless Objects' IAT) .An IAT which require the ability to recognize White and Black faces and associate them with images of weapons or harmless objects. The result of my test was your data suggest a slight association of Black Americans with Weapons compared to White Americans (corp. , 2007). The result dictates that I slightly relate harmful objects with Black Americans which I think not necessary true to myself. Maybe the pressure of doing the test with time limit also affects the result because of my eagerness to finish the test. I don’t consider Black Americans as harmful people and so I assume that the research tool was not accurate.The Implicit Association test is I can say a not reliable or accurate tool to be used. Many things could affect the result, it can be affected by being rig ht handed or left handed either. The key we are able to press most likely just conform to our most used hand or finger. Another one was the pressure on time, where it is also stated there that we just need to press the right key in a short time. Even though as I have said not accurate tool to used, It is only matters for the reason the it is an interesting and enjoying tool for us to know about our hidden biases on different races, culture or religion. Reference: corp., I. (2007). You have completed the Race – Weapons IAT. [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Educators. (2006). Dealing with Stereotyping, Prejudice, Discrimination, and Scapegoating [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Phone, K. H. (2007). Violence/Abuse [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Rand, A., Sowell, T., & Epstein, R. (2007). Ethnic Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, and the Free Market [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 29, 2007 from Â
Monday, September 16, 2019
Good or Bad Governance
Governance and what constitutes good or bad governance of sporting organizations have continued to be a topic, hotly debated today as it has been for the last decade. An important point that bears repeating is that there is no model of governance that will bring transformation to a poorly performing organization into a pillar of high performance. Ideally, the performance of the board is almost entirely dependent on the people involved. The models or frameworks used can only help by providing tools to work with. Inherently, those involved in the management plays an awful role in ensuring that the all the plans are due in order to realize both short, medium and long term objectives. In this case, therefore, the paper aims at describing and evaluating the Strebel's Contingent Perspective of Corporate Governance in various realms. According to Strabel, business competition as an environmental factor and strategy as an organizational factor are important determinants of corporate governance. On the other hand, organizational performance and earnings quality are two dimensions of its effectiveness. It is important to note that corporate governance is effective in improving earnings quality and reducing accounting and governance risks. When the employees and the employer corporate in their dealings, the likelihood of having a high output is high as opposed to hen the two don't corporate. The performance also depends on the environment created by the employer to the employees. Working hand in hand in most cases, makes both to build confidence in whatever thing that they are doing, thus resulting to positive impact in most occasions. Another aspect of corporate governance is the need for independent directors and set director tenure. In so doing, the organization is measured on its performance as far as profit is concerned. The directors must be independent in the decision they make, and they must be geared towards taking the organization to higher plinths. The performance of the organization is measured in the manner in which the directors manage the finances, and all the aspects that are aimed at giving the organization good return. By so doing, it calls for a team work in every department. Everyone should be accountable and responsible for his dealings to ensure that the performance of the company is maintained. In dealing with external and internal forces, the governance must emphasize a particular focus in decision-making and resource allocation. This role changes as the importance and nature of external forces, the externalities. The external forces help to shape the future of the organization. Current operations or planning needs changes and the changes must be geared towards creating positive impact in the business. While making the change, the stakeholders must be focused and stand firm in making them, because when made wrongly, it can affect the progress of the firm. On the other hand, internal forces, internalities, have their own impact, as well as adding to those external factors. A good example is given in the case where the management is ineffective and the functionality of the organization is affected by internal or external factors. In this case, the board of management has to be involved in execution, taking a steering or coaching auditing, supervising, coaching, and steering, each with a different perspective and behavior role to bring the organization in line. The composition of the executive committee should be reviewed annually. This should be done with respect to the dominant role type represented and the manner in which it fits in the environment. When there is a warning signal of an important shift in governance conditions, the composition of the executive committee should be ready to make changes. The alteration should be made by drawing on the relevant subcommittee and making a corresponding change in the manner in which the board makes approaches to the decisions made. On the same plinth, when a shift in the governing subset of activities and related board role is required, the new driving role does not necessarily have to be acquired from scratch. Instead, it can be installed quickly by shifting the composition and locus of power in the executive committee. This is an implication that to show that the government should be flexible enough to accommodate any change that is aimed at making success within the organization. From the analysis made, it is inherent to say that Strebel's Contingent perspective of Corporate Governance aims at making successful operations within the organization most of the time. When adopted by directors and mangers in every business set up, the governance can result to high output, hence making the business to grow to higher standards. By so doing, the business will thrive because there are corporations in every sector.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Lost Symbol Chapter 1-3
CHAPTER 1 The Otis elevator climbing the south pillar of the Eiffel Tower was overflowing with tourists. Inside the cramped lift, an austere businessman in a pressed suit gazed down at the boy beside him. â€Å"You look pale, son. You should have stayed on the ground.†â€Å"I'm okay . . .†the boy answered, struggling to control his anxiety. â€Å"I'll get out on the next level.†I can't breathe. The man leaned closer. â€Å"I thought by now you would have gotten over this.†He brushed the child's cheek affectionately. The boy felt ashamed to disappoint his father, but he could barely hear through the ringing in his ears. I can't breathe. I've got to get out of this box! The elevator operator was saying something reassuring about the lift's articulated pistons and puddled-iron construction. Far beneath them, the streets of Paris stretched out in all directions. Almost there, the boy told himself, craning his neck and looking up at the unloading platform. Just hold on. As the lift angled steeply toward the upper viewing deck, the shaft began to narrow, its massive struts contracting into a tight, vertical tunnel. â€Å"Dad, I don't think–â€Å" Suddenly a staccato crack echoed overhead. The carriage jerked, swaying awkwardly to one side. Frayed cables began whipping around the carriage, thrashing like snakes. The boy reached out for his father. â€Å"Dad!†Their eyes locked for one terrifying second. Then the bottom dropped out. Robert Langdon jolted upright in his soft leather seat, startling out of the semiconscious daydream. He was sitting all alone in the enormous cabin of a Falcon 2000EX corporate jet as it bounced its way through turbulence. In the background, the dual Pratt & Whitney engines hummed evenly. â€Å"Mr. Langdon?†The intercom crackled overhead. â€Å"We're on final approach.†Langdon sat up straight and slid his lecture notes back into his leather daybag. He'd been halfway through reviewing Masonic symbology when his mind had drifted. The daydream about his late father, Langdon suspected, had been stirred by this morning's unexpected invitation from Langdon's longtime mentor, Peter Solomon. The other man I never want to disappoint. The fifty-eight-year-old philanthropist, historian, and scientist had taken Langdon under his wing nearly thirty years ago, in many ways filling the void left by Langdon's father's death. Despite the man's influential family dynasty and massive wealth, Langdon had found humility and warmth in Solomon's soft gray eyes. Outside the window the sun had set, but Langdon could still make out the slender silhouette of the world's largest obelisk, rising on the horizon like the spire of an ancient gnomon. The 555- foot marble-faced obelisk marked this nation's heart. All around the spire, the meticulous geometry of streets and monuments radiated outward. Even from the air, Washington, D.C., exuded an almost mystical power. Langdon loved this city, and as the jet touched down, he felt a rising excitement about what lay ahead. The jet taxied to a private terminal somewhere in the vast expanse of Dulles International Airport and came to a stop. Langdon gathered his things, thanked the pilots, and stepped out of the jet's luxurious interior onto the foldout staircase. The cold January air felt liberating. Breathe, Robert, he thought, appreciating the wide-open spaces. A blanket of white fog crept across the runway, and Langdon had the sensation he was stepping into a marsh as he descended onto the misty tarmac. â€Å"Hello! Hello!†a singsong British voice shouted from across the tarmac. â€Å"Professor Langdon?†Langdon looked up to see a middle-aged woman with a badge and clipboard hurrying toward him, waving happily as he approached. Curly blond hair protruded from under a stylish knit wool hat. â€Å"Welcome to Washington, sir!†Langdon smiled. â€Å"Thank you.†â€Å"My name is Pam, from passenger services.†The woman spoke with an exuberance that was almost unsettling. â€Å"If you'll come with me, sir, your car is waiting.†Langdon followed her across the runway toward the Signature terminal, which was surrounded by glistening private jets. A taxi stand for the rich and famous. â€Å"I hate to embarrass you, Professor,†the woman said, sounding sheepish, â€Å"but you are the Robert Langdon who writes books about symbols and religion, aren't you?†Langdon hesitated and then nodded. â€Å"I thought so!†she said, beaming. â€Å"My book group read your book about the sacred feminine and the church! What a delicious scandal that one caused! You do enjoy putting the fox in the henhouse!†Langdon smiled. â€Å"Scandal wasn't really my intention.†The woman seemed to sense Langdon was not in the mood to discuss his work. â€Å"I'm sorry. Listen to me rattling on. I know you probably get tired of being recognized . . . but it's your own fault.†She playfully motioned to his clothing. â€Å"Your uniform gave you away.†My uniform? Langdon glanced down at his attire. He was wearing his usual charcoal turtleneck, Harris Tweed jacket, khakis, and collegiate cordovan loafers . . . his standard attire for the classroom, lecture circuit, author photos, and social events. The woman laughed. â€Å"Those turtlenecks you wear are so dated. You'd look much sharper in a tie!†No chance, Langdon thought. Little nooses. Neckties had been required six days a week when Langdon attended Phillips Exeter Academy, and despite the headmaster's romantic claims that the origin of the cravat went back to the silk fascalia worn by Roman orators to warm their vocal cords, Langdon knew that, etymologically, cravat actually derived from a ruthless band of â€Å"Croat†mercenaries who donned knotted neckerchiefs before they stormed into battle. To this day, this ancient battle garb was donned by modern office warriors hoping to intimidate their enemies in daily boardroom battles. â€Å"Thanks for the advice,†Langdon said with a chuckle. â€Å"I'll consider a tie in the future.†Mercifully, a professional-looking man in a dark suit got out of a sleek Lincoln Town Car parked near the terminal and held up his finger. â€Å"Mr. Langdon? I'm Charles with Beltway Limousine.†He opened the passenger door. â€Å"Good evening, sir. Welcome to Washington.†Langdon tipped Pam for her hospitality and then climbed into the plush interior of the Town Car. The driver showed him the temperature controls, the bottled water, and the basket of hot muffins. Seconds later, Langdon was speeding away on a private access road. So this is how the other half lives. As the driver gunned the car up Windsock Drive, he consulted his passenger manifest and placed a quick call. â€Å"This is Beltway Limousine,†the driver said with professional efficiency. â€Å"I was asked to confirm once my passenger had landed.†He paused. â€Å"Yes, sir. Your guest, Mr. Langdon, has arrived, and I will deliver him to the Capitol Building by seven P.M. You're welcome, sir.†He hung up. Langdon had to smile. No stone left unturned. Peter Solomon's attention to detail was one of his most potent assets, allowing him to manage his substantial power with apparent ease. A few billion dollars in the bank doesn't hurt either. Langdon settled into the plush leather seat and closed his eyes as the noise of the airport faded behind him. The U.S. Capitol was a half hour away, and he appreciated the time alone to gather his thoughts. Everything had happened so quickly today that Langdon only now had begun to think in earnest about the incredible evening that lay ahead. Arriving under a veil of secrecy, Langdon thought, amused by the prospect. Ten miles from the Capitol Building, a lone figure was eagerly preparing for Robert Langdon's arrival. CHAPTER 2 The one who called himself Mal'akh pressed the tip of the needle against his shaved head, sighing with pleasure as the sharp tool plunged in and out of his flesh. The soft hum of the electric device was addictive . . . as was the bite of the needle sliding deep into his dermis and depositing its dye. I am a masterpiece. The goal of tattooing was never beauty. The goal was change. From the scarified Nubian priests of 2000 B.C., to the tattooed acolytes of the Cybele cult of ancient Rome, to the moko scars of the modern Maori, humans have tattooed themselves as a way of offering up their bodies in partial sacrifice, enduring the physical pain of embellishment and emerging changed beings. Despite the ominous admonitions of Leviticus 19:28, which forbade the marking of one's flesh, tattoos had become a rite of passage shared by millions of people in the modern age–everyone from clean-cut teenagers to hard-core drug users to suburban housewives. The act of tattooing one's skin was a transformative declaration of power, an announcement to the world: I am in control of my own flesh. The intoxicating feeling of control derived from physical transformation had addicted millions to flesh-altering practices . . . cosmetic surgery, body piercing, bodybuilding, and steroids . . . even bulimia and transgendering. The human spirit craves mastery over its carnal shell. A single bell chimed on Mal'akh's grandfather clock, and he looked up. Six thirty P.M. Leaving his tools, he wrapped the Kiryu silk robe around his naked, six-foot-three body and strode down the hall. The air inside this sprawling mansion was heavy with the pungent fragrance of his skin dyes and smoke from the beeswax candles he used to sterilize his needles. The towering young man moved down the corridor past priceless Italian antiques–a Piranesi etching, a Savonarola chair, a silver Bugarini oil lamp. He glanced through a floor-to-ceiling window as he passed, admiring the classical skyline in the distance. The luminous dome of the U.S. Capitol glowed with solemn power against the dark winter sky. This is where it is hidden, he thought. It is buried out there somewhere. Few men knew it existed . . . and even fewer knew its awesome power or the ingenious way in which it had been hidden. To this day, it remained this country's greatest untold secret. Those few who did know the truth kept it hidden behind a veil of symbols, legends, and allegory. Now they have opened their doors to me, Mal'akh thought. Three weeks ago, in a dark ritual witnessed by America's most influential men, Mal'akh had ascended to the thirty-third degree, the highest echelon of the world's oldest surviving brotherhood. Despite Mal'akh's new rank, the brethren had told him nothing. Nor will they, he knew. That was not how it worked. There were circles within circles . . . brotherhoods within brotherhoods. Even if Mal'akh waited years, he might never earn their ultimate trust. Fortunately, he did not need their trust to obtain their deepest secret. My initiation served its purpose. Now, energized by what lay ahead, he strode toward his bedroom. Throughout his entire home, audio speakers broadcast the eerie strains of a rare recording of a castrato singing the â€Å"Lux Aeterna†from the Verdi Requiem–a reminder of a previous life. Mal'akh touched a remote control to bring on the thundering â€Å"Dies Irae.†Then, against a backdrop of crashing timpani and parallel fifths, he bounded up the marble staircase, his robe billowing as he ascended on sinewy legs. As he ran, his empty stomach growled in protest. For two days now, Mal'akh had fasted, consuming only water, preparing his body in accordance with the ancient ways. Your hunger will be satisfied by dawn, he reminded himself. Along with your pain. Mal'akh entered his bedroom sanctuary with reverence, locking the door behind him. As he moved toward his dressing area, he paused, feeling himself drawn to the enormous gilded mirror. Unable to resist, he turned and faced his own reflection. Slowly, as if unwrapping a priceless gift, Mal'akh opened his robe to unveil his naked form. The vision awed him. I am a masterpiece. His massive body was shaved and smooth. He lowered his gaze first to his feet, which were tattooed with the scales and talons of a hawk. Above that, his muscular legs were tattooed as carved pillars–his left leg spiraled and his right vertically striated. Boaz and Jachin. His groin and abdomen formed a decorated archway, above which his powerful chest was emblazoned with the double-headed phoenix . . . each head in profile with its visible eye formed by one of Mal'akh's nipples. His shoulders, neck, face, and shaved head were completely covered with an intricate tapestry of ancient symbols and sigils. I am an artifact . . . an evolving icon. One mortal man had seen Mal'akh naked, eighteen hours earlier. The man had shouted in fear. â€Å"Good God, you're a demon!†â€Å"If you perceive me as such,†Mal'akh had replied, understanding as had the ancients that angels and demons were identical–interchangeable archetypes–all a matter of polarity: the guardian angel who conquered your enemy in battle was perceived by your enemy as a demon destroyer. Mal'akh tipped his face down now and got an oblique view of the top of his head. There, within the crownlike halo, shone a small circle of pale, untattooed flesh. This carefully guarded canvas was Mal'akh's only remaining piece of virgin skin. The sacred space had waited patiently . . . and tonight, it would be filled. Although Mal'akh did not yet possess what he required to complete his masterpiece, he knew the moment was fast approaching. Exhilarated by his reflection, he could already feel his power growing. He closed his robe and walked to the window, again gazing out at the mystical city before him. It is buried out there somewhere. Refocusing on the task at hand, Mal'akh went to his dressing table and carefully applied a base of concealer makeup to his face, scalp, and neck until his tattoos had disappeared. Then he donned the special set of clothing and other items he had meticulously prepared for this evening. When he finished, he checked himself in the mirror. Satisfied, he ran a soft palm across his smooth scalp and smiled. It is out there, he thought. And tonight, one man will help me find it. As Mal'akh exited his home, he prepared himself for the event that would soon shake the U.S. Capitol Building. He had gone to enormous lengths to arrange all the pieces for tonight. And now, at last, his final pawn had entered the game. CHAPTER 3 Robert Langdon was busy reviewing his note cards when the hum of the Town Car's tires changed pitch on the road beneath him. Langdon glanced up, surprised to see where they were. Memorial Bridge already? He put down his notes and gazed out at the calm waters of the Potomac passing beneath him. A heavy mist hovered on the surface. Aptly named, Foggy Bottom had always seemed a peculiar site on which to build the nation's capital. Of all the places in the New World, the forefathers had chosen a soggy riverside marsh on which to lay the cornerstone of their utopian society. Langdon gazed left, across the Tidal Basin, toward the gracefully rounded silhouette of the Jefferson Memorial–America's Pantheon, as many called it. Directly in front of the car, the Lincoln Memorial rose with rigid austerity, its orthogonal lines reminiscent of Athens's ancient Parthenon. But it was farther away that Langdon saw the city's centerpiece–the same spire he had seen from the air. Its architectural inspiration was far, far older than the Romans or the Greeks. America's Egyptian obelisk. The monolithic spire of the Washington Monument loomed dead ahead, illuminated against the sky like the majestic mast of a ship. From Langdon's oblique angle, the obelisk appeared ungrounded tonight . . . swaying against the dreary sky as if on an unsteady sea. Langdon felt similarly ungrounded. His visit to Washington had been utterly unexpected. I woke up this morning anticipating a quiet Sunday at home . . . and now I'm a few minutes away from the U.S. Capitol. This morning at four forty-five, Langdon had plunged into dead-calm water, beginning his day as he always did, swimming fifty laps in the deserted Harvard Pool. His physique was not quite what it had been in his college days as a water-polo all-American, but he was still lean and toned, respectable for a man in his forties. The only difference now was the amount of effort it took Langdon to keep it that way. When Langdon arrived home around six, he began his morning ritual of hand-grinding Sumatra coffee beans and savoring the exotic scent that filled his kitchen. This morning, however, he was surprised to see the blinking red light on his voice-mail display. Who calls at six A.M. on a Sunday? He pressed the button and listened to the message. â€Å"Good morning, Professor Langdon, I'm terribly sorry for this early-morning call.†The polite voice was noticeably hesitant, with a hint of a southern accent. â€Å"My name is Anthony Jelbart, and I'm Peter Solomon's executive assistant. Mr. Solomon told me you're an early riser . . . he has been trying to reach you this morning on short notice. As soon as you receive this message, would you be so kind as to call Peter directly? You probably have his new private line, but if not, it's 202-329-5746.†Langdon felt a sudden concern for his old friend. Peter Solomon was impeccably well-bred and courteous, and certainly not the kind of man to call at daybreak on a Sunday unless something was very wrong. Langdon left his coffee half made and hurried toward his study to return the call. I hope he's okay. Peter Solomon had been a friend, mentor, and, although only twelve years Langdon's senior, a father figure to him ever since their first meeting at Princeton University. As a sophomore, Langdon had been required to attend an evening guest lecture by the well-known young historian and philanthropist. Solomon had spoken with a contagious passion, presenting a dazzling vision of semiotics and archetypal history that had sparked in Langdon what would later become his lifelong passion for symbols. It was not Peter Solomon's brilliance, however, but the humility in his gentle gray eyes that had given Langdon the courage to write him a thank-you letter. The young sophomore had never dreamed that Peter Solomon, one of America's wealthiest and most intriguing young intellectuals, would ever write back. But Solomon did. And it had been the beginning of a truly gratifying friendship. A prominent academic whose quiet manner belied his powerful heritage, Peter Solomon came from the ultrawealthy Solomon family, whose names appeared on buildings and universities all over the nation. Like the Rothschilds in Europe, the surname Solomon had always carried the mystique of American royalty and success. Peter had inherited the mantle at a young age after the death of his father, and now, at fifty-eight, he had held numerous positions of power in his life. He currently served as the head of the Smithsonian Institution. Langdon occasionally ribbed Peter that the lone tarnish on his sterling pedigree was his diploma from a second-rate university–Yale. Now, as Langdon entered his study, he was surprised to see that he had received a fax from Peter as well. Peter Solomon OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Good morning, Robert, I need to speak with you at once. Please call me this morning as soon as you can at 202-329- 5746. Peter Langdon immediately dialed the number, sitting down at his hand-carved oak desk to wait as the call went through. â€Å"Office of Peter Solomon,†the familiar voice of the assistant answered. â€Å"This is Anthony. May I help you?†â€Å"Hello, this is Robert Langdon. You left me a message earlier–â€Å" â€Å"Yes, Professor Langdon!†The young man sounded relieved. â€Å"Thank you for calling back so quickly. Mr. Solomon is eager to speak to you. Let me tell him you're on the line. May I put you on hold?†â€Å"Of course.†As Langdon waited for Solomon to get on the line, he gazed down at Peter's name atop the Smithsonian letterhead and had to smile. Not many slackers in the Solomon clan. Peter's ancestral tree burgeoned with the names of wealthy business magnates, influential politicians, and a number of distinguished scientists, some even fellows of London's Royal Society. Solomon's only living family member, his younger sister, Katherine, had apparently inherited the science gene, because she was now a leading figure in a new cutting-edge discipline called Noetic Science. All Greek to me, Langdon thought, amused to recall Katherine's unsuccessful attempt to explain Noetic Science to him at a party at her brother's home last year. Langdon had listened carefully and then replied, â€Å"Sounds more like magic than science.†Katherine winked playfully. â€Å"They're closer than you think, Robert.†Now Solomon's assistant returned to the phone. â€Å"I'm sorry, Mr. Solomon is trying to get off a conference call. Things are a little chaotic here this morning.†â€Å"That's not a problem. I can easily call back.†â€Å"Actually, he asked me to fill you in on his reason for contacting you, if you don't mind?†â€Å"Of course not.†The assistant inhaled deeply. â€Å"As you probably know, Professor, every year here in Washington, the board of the Smithsonian hosts a private gala to thank our most generous supporters. Many of the country's cultural elite attend.†Langdon knew his own bank account had too few zeros to qualify him as culturally elite, but he wondered if maybe Solomon was going to invite him to attend nonetheless. â€Å"This year, as is customary,†the assistant continued, â€Å"the dinner will be preceded by a keynote address. We've been lucky enough to secure the National Statuary Hall for that speech.†The best room in all of D.C., Langdon thought, recalling a political lecture he had once attended in the dramatic semicircular hall. It was hard to forget five hundred folding chairs splayed in a perfect arc, surrounded by thirty-eight life-size statues, in a room that had once served as the nation's original House of Representatives chamber. â€Å"The problem is this,†the man said. â€Å"Our speaker has fallen ill and has just informed us she will be unable to give the address.†He paused awkwardly. â€Å"This means we are desperate for a replacement speaker. And Mr. Solomon is hoping you would consider filling in.†Langdon did a double take. â€Å"Me?†This was not at all what he had expected. â€Å"I'm sure Peter could find a far better substitute.†â€Å"You're Mr. Solomon's first choice, Professor, and you're being much too modest. The institution's guests would be thrilled to hear from you, and Mr. Solomon thought you could give the same lecture you gave on Bookspan TV a few years back? That way, you wouldn't have to prepare a thing. He said your talk involved symbolism in the architecture of our nation's capital–it sounds absolutely perfect for the venue.†Langdon was not so sure. â€Å"If I recall, that lecture had more to do with the Masonic history of the building than–â€Å" â€Å"Exactly! As you know, Mr. Solomon is a Mason, as are many of his professional friends who will be in attendance. I'm sure they would love to hear you speak on the topic.†I admit it would be easy. Langdon had kept the lecture notes from every talk he'd ever given. â€Å"I suppose I could consider it. What date is the event?†The assistant cleared his throat, sounding suddenly uncomfortable. â€Å"Well, actually, sir, it's tonight.†Langdon laughed out loud. â€Å"Tonight?!†â€Å"That's why it's so hectic here this morning. The Smithsonian is in a deeply embarrassing predicament . . .†The assistant spoke more hurriedly now. â€Å"Mr. Solomon is ready to send a private jet to Boston for you. The flight is only an hour, and you would be back home before midnight. You're familiar with the private air terminal at Boston's Logan Airport?†â€Å"I am,†Langdon admitted reluctantly. No wonder Peter always gets his way. â€Å"Wonderful! Would you be willing to meet the jet there at say . . . five o'clock?†â€Å"You haven't left me much choice, have you?†Langdon chuckled. â€Å"I just want to make Mr. Solomon happy, sir.†Peter has that effect on people. Langdon considered it a long moment, seeing no way out. â€Å"All right. Tell him I can do it.†â€Å"Outstanding!†the assistant exclaimed, sounding deeply relieved. He gave Langdon the jet's tail number and various other information. When Langdon finally hung up, he wondered if Peter Solomon had ever been told no. Returning to his coffee preparation, Langdon scooped some additional beans into the grinder. A little extra caffeine this morning, he thought. It's going to be a long day.
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