Saturday, December 28, 2019
Raising The Minimum Wage - 1122 Words
â€Å"Raise the wage!†reads many protestors’ signs across America. Many people believe this to be the answer to the financial inequality that plagues our country. The federal minimum wage was established to keep workers from settling on a poor living standard (Leonard A.11). Since this was passed, multiple debates and issues have risen. One begins to ask the question, is this truly the best way to resolve the unequal distribution of wealth? After research, it has been found that there are many drawbacks that are related to raising the minimum wage. Because of the number of harmful, detrimental, disadvantageous effects of increasing the base pay, the country should not continuously raise it. By increasing the starting wage of employees, and the amount of money they receive from their employers, the low wage working class citizen should be able to better pay off their bills and live out of poverty. â€Å"Alan B. Krueger, the minimum-wage expert who formerly headed Mr. Obama s Council of Economic Advisers, has written: A minimum wage set as high as $12 an hour will do more good than harm for low-wage workers, but a $15-an-hour national minimum wage would put us in uncharted waters, and risk undesirable and unintended consequences†’ (â€Å"$15 Is the Wrong†A.14). This article shows us that increasing the starting pay does have its benefits, but also can have harmful effects on surrounding people. What are some of the problems that come with raising the pay of employees? â€Å"Wal-MartShow MoreRelatedRaising The Minimum Wage? Essay1217 Words  | 5 PagesThe minimum wage is one of the most discussed issues around the country. Everyone has a different opinion if raising the minimum wage would help families across the country to have a better lifestyle or if would cause an unbalance in the economy. Democrats and Republicans have a different view on this issue, while Democrats supports raising the minimum wage by $15 an hour, Republicans have stated that they refuse increasing the wage because it would leave different factions of Americans outside ofRead MoreRaising Minimum Wage912 Words  | 4 PagesMinimum wage has long been a topic that has brought on many heated debates. It has been said over and over again that minimum wage should be raised. These people say that raising minimum wage only does good for people. However, I, along with many other people, believe this is wrong, and we should instead be making moves to keep minimum wage where it is. Raising minimum wage may provide some positive effects, but those positives only go on to be overwhelmed by the negative effects caused by it. WagesRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage?1575 Words  | 7 PagesThe issue of raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour is a heavily debated topic. Both sources against or in favor of the minimum wage refer to a â€Å"growing gap†between low-income workers and high-income earners. Sources against the minimum wage believe raising it will increase this gap, whereas those in favor of the minimum wage believe it will decrease this gap. The arguments in favor of the minimum wage rely mostly on ethical beliefs, such as â€Å"pay should reflect hard work,†to advanceRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage888 Words  | 4 Pages Raising the Minimum Wage The employment effect of the minimum wage is one of the most studied topics in all economics. Today, the debate over raising the minimum wage has been a hot topic after President Obama explained in his 2014 State of the Union address that he intends to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour, an increase of over 40 percent. While the President and his supporters claim that this increase would greatly benefit the economy and result in growing the businessesRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage1979 Words  | 8 PagesResearch Raising the minimum wage can result in job losses due to lower profits for businesses. It can also potentially decrease employee hours by changing them from full time to part time. Additionally, it may reduce the full time benefits that they receive. If this were to happen, then the employees affected will actually be earning less than they did before the increase. For example, from the Article Maximum Divide on Minimum Wage (Mejeur, 2014), they state, â€Å"Labor costs are the largest shareRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage?870 Words  | 4 PagesThe topic of raising the minimum wage has many different viewpoints. It is thought to be affected negatively and positively. Some believe it increases unemployment and poverty. Others believe it creates jobs, helps the economy and low-income families by giving them more money to give back to the economy. Doug Hall, director of the Economic Analysis and Research Network and David Cooper, Economic Analyst at the Economic Policy Institute, expressed how the increase in minimum wage affects certainRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage1037 Words  | 5 PagesRaising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 is not a good idea. The unintended consequences that would come about as a result is reason enough to shy away from such a proposal. Those who support an increase contend that it will alleviate poverty. Suppose these advocates are right and a spike in the minimum wage does reduce poverty for some fortunate workers. This positive development will be offset because an increase in the minimum wage will further price out inexperienced workers from the jobRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage?2447 Words  | 10 PagesThe minimum wage is defined as the lowest compensation, by law, which an employer may pay his or her employees. In the United States, this monetary value is set by a collection of la ws on the federal, state, and local levels. While state and local governments may choose to observe a higher minimum wage than the national minimum wage, the federal government ultimately controls the income of the nation’s lowest-earning employees. At the federal level, the minimum wage was last raised in 2009, fromRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage1864 Words  | 8 Pagespersevere, and really believe in yourself, good things will come. Drastically raising the minimum wage goes against all of those principles, rewarding lethargic actions and poor life choices. Raising the minimum wage to $15 will do more harm than good for middle class americans by decreasing the value of the money in their pockets, driving out big companies, and generally increasing unemployment. Increasing the minimum wage causes middle class Americans have less money in their pockets to spend. RepresentativesRead MoreEffect Of Raising Minimum Wage1215 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Raising Minimum Wage The minimum wage in this country has been a controversial issue. Many people believe it will help reduce poverty and boost the economy. However, they are not looking at the downfalls this will bring to our country. This could make the unemployment population rise, it will raise prices of other things, and would have little effect on reducing poverty. Raising the minimum wage would have a negative influence on our country. This movement throughout our country
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Focal Lessons Of Conventional Christianity Essay
The focal lessons of conventional Christianity are that Jesus is the Son of God, the second individual of the Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that his life on earth, his execution, revival, and climb into paradise are evidence of God s affection for humankind and God s absolution of human sins; and that by confidence in Jesus one may accomplish salvation and endless life (see statement of faith). This instructing is encapsulated in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, yet Christians acknowledge additionally the Old Testament as hallowed and legitimate Scripture. Christian morals get from the Jewish convention as displayed in the Old Testament, especially the Ten Commandments, however with some distinction of translation in view of the practice and lessons of Jesus. Christianity might be further by and large characterized regarding its routine of corporate love and customs that for the most part incorporate the utilization of holy observances and that are generally directed via prepared ministry inside sorted out holy places. There are, be that as it may, a wide range of types of love, numerous understandings of the part of the sorted out ministry, and numerous varieties in commonwealth and church association inside Christianity. The expression fundamental standards of Christianity, is not in sacred writing, but instead lessons we as a whole ought to stick to as laid out in the book of Hebrews. I have created it to speak to the threeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of A Woman ´s Beauty: Put-Down or Power Source by Susan Sontag819 Words  | 4 Pagesregarded as the fairer gender. Sontag uses narrative structure to express the conventional attitude, which defines beauty as a concept applied today only to women and their outward appearance. 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There are many dormant and some active volcanoes and about 1,500 seismic occurrences (mostly tremors but occasional severe earthquakes) everyRead MoreAristotle versus Confucius Essay1806 Words  | 8 Pageshim about the guiding rule for all conduct, Confucius responded: ‘isn’t common concern such a rule? What you personally don’t want done to yourself, don’t do it to other people’. This aspect is nearly similar to the type of Golden Rule found in Christianity. The third principal virtue in the Confucian philosophy is filial piety. According to the â€Å"Hiao-King†, Confucius is noted as stating: â€Å"Filial goodness is the basis of all good qualities.†-â€Å"amongst all the actions done by any man, none is superiorRead MoreThe Best Theology Would Need No Advocates1963 Words  | 8 Pagesthe doctrine of god as the focal point. Barth presents a compelling epistemology and his basis of the act and being of god, accommodating ontological factors in theological insight. Barth s attention to install the true reality that god can be known only know in conformity within his nature and the denial of the 19th-century view, revealing an identity between the soul of god and religious self-consciousness. Barth called for the resurfacing of the prophetic lessons in the bible, and deemedRead MoreIslamic Way of warfare23558 Words  | 95 Pagesboth of these can be categorized as methods. However, he also focused on manners like how the western countries chose to finance their wars even at the cost of risking their national economies, how they opted to maintain continuity by adopting lessons learned from previous wars, and how they repeatedly chose to use military means to dominate the world. 10 In contrast to Parker, Citino not only switched between strategic and tactical levels, but also maintained similarity by focusing on bothRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words  | 316 Pagesa product of techne.10 That is to say: the result of a manipulation. As the structural skeleton of the object made into a second object, it remains a kind of prosthesis. What Eisenstein wanted to do, what he dreamed of perpetually, was to make the lesson of events visually apparent, and through breakdown analysis and montage to make it itself an appreciable event. From this comes his horror of naturalism. To Rossellini, who said Things are. Why manipulate them? the Soviet film-maker might haveRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagessociety and may even be in use, and which are known to the person who is to become prophet or leader.77 In analyzing the charismatic message of Saint-Simon, Jones and Anservitz come to a similar conclusion. They point out that Saint-Simons â€Å"New Christianity,†drew heavily on two sources: the Christian notion that all persons should love one another and the â€Å"Jewish hope for the coming of a Messianic Era.†78 In fact, Saint-Simonism indicates that the appeal of the charismatic message is derived notRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesO’Brien and Leandro Prados de la Escosura, â€Å"Agricultural Productivity and European Industrialization, 1890–1980,†Economic History Review 45, no. 3 (1992): 514–536. 47. Moya, Cousins and Strangers, 150–153, 266–276. Joseph P. Ferrie, â€Å"History Lessons: The End of American Exceptionalism? Mobility in the United States since 1850,†Journal of Economic Perspectives 19, no. 3 (2005): 199–215 also shows exceptionally high levels 50 †¢ CHAPTER 1 of upward mobility in the United States compared
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Company Accounting
Question: Write a memorandum to the board of directors of Medibank Ptv Ltd. it must be memorandum form. report form not mark. Answer: Medibank private limited To: The Board of Directors From: MEDIBANK private limited Date: 25.05.2016 Subject: Memorandum of technical aspects consolidation including annual report with financial statements of the group The main business operation of the group focuses for providing the best health care service with the rising cost. It also focuses on the proper benefit claims that are arranged on the further cooperation with the creation of large and sustainable health care benefits for the growth and increment of the sustainability in the rising market competition (Elliott and Elliott, 2008). It also helps in signifying the values and the overheads management for the creation of proper benefits for the company or the group. Strong performance and the provision of the high quality health care are included for the proper enhancement of the business operations. The group consists of the members that include the community, team and the shareholders that creates support for the company and makes the company to feel proud for the creation of the MEDIBANK Community Fund (Epstein and Lee, 2011). Apart from all these, the company is also enhanced by the innovative ideas provided by the members for the proce ss of innovative implementation. The consolidated statements are helpful for the creation of the limitations which are created for the companys financial statements. It is constructed both by the parent entity as well as the subsidiary entity for the proper maintenance of the individual structures in the group (Holton, 2012). Thus, it facilitates the usage of the enhancement that is created for the proper growth of the business group. Since the subsidiary statements are legally separated from the group, it represents that claims cannot be made by the parent for the increment of the profits in the subsidiary organisation. Hence in this case, MEDIBANK private limited could not claim on the profits that are earned by the MEDIBANK Community Fund (Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield, 2011). It creates the significant differences that in one way are helpful for the company for the considerations of the risks evaluations made during its own evaluation. Thus, the company creates a safeguard for itself for the proper continuation o f the regulations regarding the maintenance of the information related to the financial statements of the company. Henceforth the consolidated statements are prepared by parent entity and the legal entity is created by the subsidiary company (Kieso et al., 2010). There are several different types of funding options available for the business organizations in order to raise requisite finance for the necessary business activities of the company. The companies use to raise fund from the banking institutes, besides this, the companies issue share and debentures for raising funds from the public (Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso, 2007). Debenture is a debt fund, and for the debenture the companies have to give a fixed interest to the debenture holders, when the term of the debenture will be completed and the companies are obligated to provide this interest along with the capital to the debenture holders in any case whether the companies are making profit or not. Besides this, if the company incurring loss then also the company has to pay the amount capital along with interest to the debenture holders (Spiceland, Sepe and Nelson, 2011). The Medibank is an insurance company, which is mainly focus on the health insurance and it is Australias biggest privat e health insurance company. The company is using both the funding instruments shares and debentures in order to raise fund from the market. For shares the company has to pay share of the profits to the share holders but in case of loss the share holders has also incur the loss (Stittle and Wearing, 2008). Besides this the company has dedicated investors and bankers, from where also the company raise requisite fund for the required activities. The company has to provide bonuses to the shareholders and debentures holders in case of profit. The Medibank Private Limited Company is the owner of the Medibank Health Solution Pty Ltd. The general purpose of the financial statements is to provide information to the users of the financial statements and it is prepared as per the Australia Accounting Standards. The financial statements should be complying with the International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by International Accounting Standards (Warren, Reeve and Fess, 2005). The financial statement of the company reveals the corporate governance statement in order to maximize the corporate performance, maximum returns to the shareholders and its value, sustaining the development and success of the company. It includes risk management processes, corporate governance practices and policies and risk management processes. The audit committee analyses the financial statements of the organization in order to determine the value of the company as well as its performance in the current market environment (Wolf, 2008). The sustainability of the organization can be determined and evaluated on the basis of the inform ation given in the financial statements. The income statement shows the expense, income and profit or loss of the company. It helps to determine the long term performance of the company. The annual report can be categorized as financial, regulatory, strategy and operational risks and it also includes economic sustainability risk. The solvency risk of the company can be analyzed with the help to calculating current ratio, debt equity and financial leverage ratio from the information given in the financial statements (Elliott and Elliott, 2008). The non controlling interest is the amount of interest on the outstanding shares of the organization. The non controlling interest is shown in the balance sheet of the company. The non controlling interests are the amount paid on the outstanding shares of the company within the accounting year. The excess of transferred consideration and amounts of the non controlling interests in acquire over fair value of the share of the group of net assets acquired which is recorded as the goodwill (Epstein and Lee, 2011). On acquisition basis, the group determines the non controlling interests to acquire either at the fair value or at proportionate of the non controlling interest of net identifiable assets of the acquiree. The consolidated balance sheet of the company shows the non controlling interest. The balances, unrealised gains and intercompany transactions between the group organizations are eliminated and the unrealised losses are eliminated till the transaction provides the impairment o f transferred asset. The goodwill use to be improved by the acquisition activities performed by the companies as it indicates good financial health of the company. As at the time of the better financial position the companies use to intend to acquire other companies (Holton, 2012). When the company by the efficient acquisition strategy achieve a good acquisition of a promising company then the reputation of the company is immensely increased. Thus, the acquisition strategy of the company has direct relation on the goodwill of the company. In bargain purchase any of traders either the buyer or the seller use to gain. In case of able to reduce the rate of the object the buyer achieves gain and if the rate of the object is not reduced then the seller do gain. In the financial statement, when the company buy any important thing or sale any important thing then it can be find (Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield, 2011). The foreign currency transactions are taking place in the case of the company MEDIBANK private limited. Thus the risks are also evaluated relating to the foreign currency transactions, for the creation of the growth of the company MEDIBANK private limited. The foreign currency contracts and the other related instrument derivatives are traded by the company. For the proper continuation of the trading, the company MEDIBANK private limited reviews its policies for the betterment of the foreign currency exchanges that also helps in forecasting the growth of the company and also enhances the growth of the limits and the credit expenditures. The trading of the exchanges is also included for the company MEDIBANK private limited which helps n the proper initiation of the expenses (Kieso et al., 2010). Thus it also helps in the initiation of the interests that are created by the company for the proper enhancement of the investments. The companys risks are also related to the foreign exchanges that are created for the enhancement of the policies. The subsidiary company that are referred for the foreign subsidiary are the MEDIBANK Community Fund and the HATCHTECH Pty Limited. The HATCHTECH Pty Limited is a company of Biotechnology that is related to the international Federation of the Health plans. The other subsidiaries for the company are the Australian Health Management Group Pty Ltd and MEDIBANK Health Solutions Pty Ltd with their individual companies is also related to the growth of the company. As per the accounting of the financial statements, these companies consist of the current balances which consist of the ordinary shares (Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso, 2007). It also helps in the generation of the proper structures for the environment and thus it also helps the company MEDIBANK private limited for the proper continuation of the foreign exchanges. According to the Australian Security Exchanges or ASX, the company seems to have the growth with the ongoing years and the financial statements of the company MEDIBANK private limited is seemed to be providing the increment of the benefits that advantageous for the employees. In the year 2014, the benefit of the company is seemed to be 3.9 million but in the year 2015, the benefits achieved by the company are seemed to be 5.1 million (Spiceland, Sepe and Nelson, 2011). Thus, the company MEDIBANK private limited is seemed to be in a state of maximal profit achievement that is gained by the foreign exchange trades and the internal trading. Hence forth the company can be able to strengthen the base and also helps in securing the future perspectives and the benefits of the company. Thus it also helps the company to be benefitted by the removal of the challenges that are forecasted by the financial statement of the company MEDIBANK private limited. References Elliott, B. and Elliott, J. (2008).Financial accounting and reporting. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Epstein, M. and Lee, J. (2011).Advances in management accounting. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Holton, R. (2012).Global finance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Kieso, D., Weygandt, J. and Warfield, T. (2011).Intermediate accounting. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Kieso, D., Weygandt, J., Warfield, T. and Kieso, D. (2010).Intermediate accounting. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Kimmel, P., Weygandt, J. and Kieso, D. (2007).Financial accounting. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Spiceland, J., Sepe, J. and Nelson, M. (2011).Intermediate accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Stittle, J. and Wearing, B. (2008).Financial accounting. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Warren, C., Reeve, J. and Fess, P. (2005).Financial managerial accounting. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western. Wolf, M. (2008).Fixing global finance. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Biology Osmosis
Question: Discuss about the Biologyfor Osmosis. Answer: Introduction Osmosis is a process where molecules of water move an area of high concentration to the point of low concentration transversely in the cell membrane. Different concentrations of solutes and even water have an effect on the osmosis (Blewett and Taylor, 2011). The paper will address different effects of the 0.5M solution of sucrose, 1M sucrose, NaCl and water on the rates of osmosis. Water Osmosis needs water for it to happen and different concentration of water in cell membrane will have different effects on the rate of osmosis. First and for most, if the concentration of water in between two medium separated by cell membrane are equal, it means that the concentration gradient is zero. The cell membrane will retains its dynamic equilibrium then the movement of water molecules across the cell membrane will not occur (Hasni et al., 2016). The number of particles is the same within the two media. Hence they will be no drive to move from one end to another. On the other hand, when there are differences in water concentrations between the two media separated by the cell membrane, concentration gradient will develop. Water will them move from the region with high concentration to a media where there is a low concentration of water molecules. The water molecules will move till isotonic levels where the concentration gradient will be zero. This is where movement of water molecules will stop (Hilal, et al., 2015). The higher levels of water will increase the rates of osmosis across the cell membrane 0.5M Sucrose The 0.5M sucrose implies that in on liter of water, there are 0.5 moles of sucrose solute. This is 171.15 grams of sucrose for every 1 liter of water. The 0.5M sucrose will form a hypertonic solution in a cell membrane. As compared to pure water, the rates of osmosis here are higher. If the media separated by cell membrane contain water and 0.5M sucrose on the other ends, there will be high concentration gradient developed between the two media separated by a cell membrane (Stefani, 2014). The 0.5M sucrose has got fewer water molecules while water on the other end has got lots of its molecules. Water will then travel from the point of low concentration to the point of low water levels and for this case the region with 0.5M sucrose thus increasing the rate of osmosis across the plasma membrane. 1M Sucrose 1M sucrose means that there is 1mole of sucrose in one liter of water. This is 342.3 grams of sucrose for every 1 liter of water. The concentration of sucrose here is twice that of 0.5M sucrose. The concentration gradient developed will be high (Patankar and Mohalkar, 2014). It will form a strong hypertonic solution, and the cell membrane will allow molecules of water to shift across it starting at their point of high concentration to the area of lower concentration at a faster rate. NaCl and Osmosis Sodium chloride is a solute which has got an effect on the rates of osmosis. When a media containing water is separated by cell membrane with media containing sodium chloride, the concentration will develop, and the sodium chloride will draw in water (Reig, et al., 2014). Water then will move from their region of high concentration to medium of NaCl which is the area of low concentration of water molecules. However, the rates of osmosis in sodium chloride are higher as compared to 0.5M sucrose, water, and 1M sucrose. Sodium chloride will dissociate when mixed with water. Solute dissociation has got the high effect on osmolality where the Na+ will attract oxygen side of the water and Cl- will get attracted to hydrogen part of water (Reig, et al., 2014). The process will increase the rate of osmosis due to charges developed, and more water will be drawn into the medium containing molecules of sodium chloride. Conclusion The rates of osmosis across cell membrane are affected by different solutions. The rates movement of water from their point of more concentration to an area of low concentration transversely in the plasma membrane depends on the type and the amount of solute present in the medium. From the discussion, osmosis across cell membranes separated by NaCl is higher in comparison to that of 1M sucrose and 0.5M sucrose. The NaCl can dissociate therefore its molecules will attract water molecules faster due to developed charge thus facilitating the concentration gradient. Also, 1M sucrose will develop high concentration f gradient as compared to 0.5M sucrose. This is because 1M sucrose is more concentrated hence it will draw in lots of water. 0.5M sucrose is twice lower than 1M sucrose, and it will have twice lower concentration gradient. The rate of osmosis across cell membrane will be slow when the medium separated by cell membrane is only made of water irrespective of their levels. Reference Lists Blewett, M. and Taylor, Z., 2011. Diffusion and Osmosis. Hasni, A., Roy, P. and Dumais, N., 2016. The Teaching and Learning of Diffusion and Osmosis: What Can We Learn from Analysis of Classroom Practices? A Case Study.Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science Technology Education,12(6), pp.1507-1531. Hilal, N., Qasim, M., Darwish, N. and Sarp, S., 2015. Water desalination by forward (direct) osmosis phenomenon: A comprehensive review. Patankar, N. and Mohalkar, S., 2014, June. Comparative Study on Shelf Life and Mass Transfer Properties of Dried Pumpkin Pretreated with Sucrose and Brine Solution. InInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Technology(Vol. 3, No. 6 (June-2014)). IJERT. Reig, M., Casas, S., Aladjem, C., Valderrama, C., Gibert, O., Valero, F., Centeno, C.M., Larrotcha, E. and Cortina, J.L., 2014. Concentration of NaCl from seawater reverse osmosis brines for the chlor-alkali industry by electrodialysis.Desalination,342, pp.107-117. Stefani, M., 2014. Forward osmosis: influence of sucrose and sodium chloride as draw solutions on process performance.
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