Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The 42 mile run Essay Example for Free
The 42 mile run Essay The 42 mile run is from Buna to Gleivitz and it takes place during the Holocaust. It seems impossible especially since they are prisoners and they are skin and bon literally. They had accomplished it by being almost like a machine, also having a large pack of people contributed a large amount. The most important contribution was if you had family, if you had family you can use that as motivation like Elie Wiesel the writer of Night. â€Å"We were no longer marching; we were running. Like automatons.†said Elie Wiesel. This means that they were running mechanically or like a robot. Elie said, â€Å"I was putting one foot in front of the other mechanically.†This means that he wasn’t doing it on purpose his body was doing it on its on. He said that he could feel himself as two entities of his body and himself. Almost as if his mind and body were separated. The power of the pack was very strong but full of weak people. If it wasn’t a pack and it was just one person it would be impossible to do especially in these conditions. In the book Elie describes the pack as a tidal wave of men. This meant that there were thousands of men in the pack. If you were to stop you would be killed either by the guards or members of the pack trampling you. He said his body as galloping, and the others were too. So it was like a pack of horses running 42 miles. â€Å"Death wrapped itself around me till it stifled. It stuck to me. I felt that I could touch it. The idea of dying, of no longer being, began to Fascinate me.†Elie said this, and this means he was going to give up, to just stop running and either be trampled or shot. But one thing stopped him, his father. If it wasn’t for his fathers presence Elie would be dead. This shows that if you had a family member with you then it would seem almost as motivation. The three things that helped the pack run the 42 miles. One was running almost as if a robot, being mechanical. Another The size of the pack, if you stopped you would be killed by a tidal wave. And the last, Family, it had to be the biggest motivator.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Setting in Tess of DUbervilles by Thomas Hardy :: essays research papers
Tess of the d'Urbervilles, by Thomas Hardy, uses setting as a main source to establish meaning and atmosphere, and contribute to themes. The d'Urberville estate is a place of dishonor and deceit, whereas the Talbothays dairy farm is a place of hope and new beginnings. Tess's home is the false refuge from the disapproving society. The d'Urberville estate is perfectly described by the clichà © ?looks can be deceiving.? Although the mansion is beautiful, deception and trickery loom within. Alec d?Urberville deceives Tess and takes advantage of her naivety, proving the societal significance of ?Man over Woman.? His desire for Tess ultimately triumphs over her resistance to him, resulting in Tess?s tragic ruin. Moreover, it proves society?s double standard in viewing men and women. It is socially acceptable for d?Urberville to have affairs, but when Tess is seduced, she is considered unclean and an improper lady. In addition, it is at this estate that d?Urberville falsely discloses to Tess that she is not of d?Urberville blood because of her family?s poor industrial status and, therefore, not of a noble class. At Talbothays, Tess begins a new life. The atmosphere is fresh and the people are warm and friendly, deceit is undetectable. Tess and Angel Clare take many walks through the woods in the brisk morning air, and it is there that Clare teaches Tess intellectual knowledge as well as his rejection of Christianity. Gradually, the couple?s attraction for each other grows into true love and they are soon married, despite Clare?s parents? disapproval because Tess is a lowly dairymaid and not of an aristocratic class as they are. Tess is greatly attracted to Clare, as are three other dairymaids at the farm, Marian, Izz, and Retty. Their love for him controls their emotions and actions, such as Retty attempting suicide and Marian?s digression into alcoholism after Tess and Clare?s marriage. Tess?s home is her place of refuge, but it does not always function as a solitary place for her. She returns home after her stay at the d?Urberville estate, but is shunned by society because of her out-of-wedlock child. When she returns home once again from her stay at Talbothays, she is looked upon with suspicion because her husband, Clare, is absent. During each visit, Tess made an attempt to retreat from the harsh world, but she could never fully hide from society. Setting in Tess of D'Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy :: essays research papers Tess of the d'Urbervilles, by Thomas Hardy, uses setting as a main source to establish meaning and atmosphere, and contribute to themes. The d'Urberville estate is a place of dishonor and deceit, whereas the Talbothays dairy farm is a place of hope and new beginnings. Tess's home is the false refuge from the disapproving society. The d'Urberville estate is perfectly described by the clichà © ?looks can be deceiving.? Although the mansion is beautiful, deception and trickery loom within. Alec d?Urberville deceives Tess and takes advantage of her naivety, proving the societal significance of ?Man over Woman.? His desire for Tess ultimately triumphs over her resistance to him, resulting in Tess?s tragic ruin. Moreover, it proves society?s double standard in viewing men and women. It is socially acceptable for d?Urberville to have affairs, but when Tess is seduced, she is considered unclean and an improper lady. In addition, it is at this estate that d?Urberville falsely discloses to Tess that she is not of d?Urberville blood because of her family?s poor industrial status and, therefore, not of a noble class. At Talbothays, Tess begins a new life. The atmosphere is fresh and the people are warm and friendly, deceit is undetectable. Tess and Angel Clare take many walks through the woods in the brisk morning air, and it is there that Clare teaches Tess intellectual knowledge as well as his rejection of Christianity. Gradually, the couple?s attraction for each other grows into true love and they are soon married, despite Clare?s parents? disapproval because Tess is a lowly dairymaid and not of an aristocratic class as they are. Tess is greatly attracted to Clare, as are three other dairymaids at the farm, Marian, Izz, and Retty. Their love for him controls their emotions and actions, such as Retty attempting suicide and Marian?s digression into alcoholism after Tess and Clare?s marriage. Tess?s home is her place of refuge, but it does not always function as a solitary place for her. She returns home after her stay at the d?Urberville estate, but is shunned by society because of her out-of-wedlock child. When she returns home once again from her stay at Talbothays, she is looked upon with suspicion because her husband, Clare, is absent. During each visit, Tess made an attempt to retreat from the harsh world, but she could never fully hide from society.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Original Marriage Polygamy Essay
Once referred to as the â€Å"original marriage†Polygamy is now an alternative lifestyle lived by many, but is it right? There are multiple countries around the world that believe that this is in fact an applicable way of living. The Origins of polygamy are extremely vast and are practiced all over the world. However, in the United States it is illegal, yet there are many knowing individuals who still partake in this style of living. It is reported that â€Å"there are 40,000 people living in polygamous families or communities across the Western region of the U. S†(Scharnberg &Brachear, 2006). Should these people be prosecuted? Or are we as Americans pre judging a lifestyle that we know nothing about? In this paper, I will discuss what polygamy is, the controversies surrounding polygamy in the United States, and how polygamy emerged and extended through various cultures and religions globally. In addition, I will further explain if it is still practiced, and if so, is it accepted and acknowledged by their creed. Polygamy consists of three forms; they are polygyny, polyandry, and group marriage. Polygyny is the practice of having more than one wife at the same time. This was the original name for polygamy during the ninetieth century, it later became known as polygamy. The second form is polyandry which is the act of having many husbands at more than one time. Of the three, this practice is rare; it was traditionally practiced among Tibetans in Nepal and parts of China. The final form is group marriage (also referred to as circle marriage) this is the act of multiple women and men forming a single family. All members of the marriage share parental duties of any children they may have or will be created within their circle. Many practitioners feel that they are misunderstood and misjudged and feel that a monogamous relationship is ultimately impossible to maintain and that polygamy is a culture that is honest and upfront with each other. Amy Kaufman believes that â€Å"The most prevalent objection to polygamy is that it demeans women†. (Kaufman, 2005) It is also argued to be another form of slavery where children are at risk every day because in many cases they are conditioned to embrace a life of servitude. In any event, Polygamy still exists and is practiced around the world. All though there aren’t many cases surrounding polygamy it is a severely controversial topic. In the United States it is difficult to prove that polygamy is of existence. Even though polygamy is considered a crime, Individuals are rarely charged because it is extremely difficult to encourage polygamist or ex polygamist to come forth. Many of them are scared of being barred from their community or even prosecuted for admitting that they’ve partaken in polygamy. Unfortunately, without any choices of their own, children are born in to polygamy and the mental damaged is already done. They see nothing wrong with underage marriage, pregnancy and incest. There are several controversies surrounding this topic one of which is organized under aged marriages. In the case of the State of Utah vs. Holm’s Suzie Stubbs was married to her husband Rodney H. Holm in 1986. Holms a member of the fundamentalist church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints participated in a marriage ceremony (while still married to his first wife) with 16-year old Ruth Stubbs. Ruth claimed that she was forced into marrying her sister’s husband. Suzie Stubbs was later arrested; all though she wasn’t charged for polygamy she was charged with abetting bigamy and illegal sex. One of the largest custody cases in the United States history was the Texas polygamist custody case. It initiated with a 16-year old girl repeatedly calling an abuse hotline, claiming to be beaten and forced to become a â€Å"spiritual wife†to an adult man. Acting on her calls Texas Child welfare services removed all 439 (ranging in ages from infants to teenagers, and teenage mothers) children from the Yearning for Zion Ranch. The children were placed in foster care until the state Supreme Court ruled. It was later detected that the phone calls were fake. The children were later returned to the ranch. Arguably one of the most controversial polygamy cases in the United States was Warren Jeff’s. Warren Jeff was the president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints (FLDS) from 2002- 2007. Separating themselves from mainstream Mormonism, the FLDS group decided to continue monogamy since Utah denounced Polygamy in 1890. They began building residential structures in El Dorado, Texas, Colorado City and Arizona. Unlike Islamic belief, In Africa women are not given the authority to decide whether they’re husbands can have multiple wives. In Africa, polygamy is used to show a man’s wealth and it is also utilized to display a man’s virility and need for sexual satisfaction. Men can also accumulate wives as a result through inheritance. In the unfortunate event of a husband’s passing his brother would take over his household which includes his wife. In instances where there are multiple wives, they would be distributed among the remaining brothers. There is a lot of resentment between the wives. With hopes to eliminate one another many of the wives performed witch craft on each other. The children are put against each other, and in some severe cases, are encouraged to kill their father with the hopes of inheriting his wealth and status. In ancient India, Polygamy was mainly among warrior’s castes and rich merchants, while the sages and seers were strictly monogamous or completely celibate. Although it was never a popular practice in ancient India, It was accepted for the procreation and continuation of family lineage. Polygamy in ancient India was considered a matter of personal choice. Several Hindu gods were often depicted as polygamous. It was noted that lord Krishna had 16,108 wives. It was tradition that the women in Hinduism never be left alone with males. Similar to African polygamy, in the event of her husband’s death she must marry her husband’s brother. The Hindu law books later made provisions on polygamy. Present day Hindus consider both polygamy and polyandry archaic and inadequate and no longer practice the belief. In conclusion, whether your views on polygamy are positive or negative, it appears to be a lifestyle that will always exist. Polygamy is a culture that is practiced globally. Initially the reasoning was solely for procreation. It has later become a religious tenet, and a matter of choice. It is arguably compared and associated with gay and lesbian marriage rights. Many polygamists feel that they are being stripped from their right to live freely. However if â€Å"living freely†involves sexual assaulting minors, and secluding their young from civilization, then maybe polygamy should stay illegal in the United States.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Government And Its Effect On The Good Of A Country
It all depends on what any certain country needs from its government in order to determine if a policy or type of government s strengths would be more beneficial compared to the possibility of corruption occurring. In each of the article that were in review, each author not only theorized why a certain type of government, be it a main type or hybrid type of government, and its incorporated policies work for a county, but also gave example of how the for mentioned can be used for something other than the good of a country. While, there are guidelines that help to keep a government or policy from being used in a way that is not for the good of a country. Unfortunately, Policies can be used in a negative way in order to be used for leverage in order to accomplish the ambitions of a politician or government leader. For some governmental politicians work for what they want, such as re-election, more power or monetary gain. Therefore, countries have a type of government and or policy tha t have been proven ineffective due to having these politicians that do not have the good of the country in mind. Linz felt that compared to a presidential democracy, that parliamentary regimes created a more stable means of governing. In a presidential there are a few things he argued that made the presidential government more prone to breaking down. He feels this way because in a presidential government, the president is elected for a set period of time so therefore there is no need forShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of International Trade Policy On New Zealand And Other Countries Essay1536 Words  | 7 Pagesdoes business and there is the underlying question about how it should be done and what part the government should play not just in New Zealand but around the world. New Zealand is a country that has great trade policies, these trade policies help create a great reputation for being free flowing and business friendly. 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