Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Sole Method You Should Be Using for Examples of Process Essay Topics Uncovered
The Sole Method You Should Be Using for Examples of Process Essay Topics Uncovered Process essays are popular concerning assignment in schools as it is quite useful in our day-to-day lives and it supplies a practical approach too. Your essay might incorporate the explanations for teen pregnancy and talk about the present rates of teen pregnancy and potential solutions. College essays might be of various styles and might serve slightly different purposes. Example college essays can be quite useful in terms of formatting, language usage, and fashion. Top Choices of Examples of Process Essay Topics Main paragraphs of your essay should have a list of steps the reader should take to accomplish the end result. The real key to the process essay is that the reader does not need to jump around the piece seeking to get the significance of a specific phrase or abbreviation whilst still attempting to get to comprehend the approach. It explains stages in a sequence, which is why transitio nal words are to be used as well. Basically, a process analysis essay is a how-to paper which should inform readers about how to do something and teach them essential things to do to reach certain objectives. What Is So Fascinating About Examples of Process Essay Topics? Some students prefer doing everything by themselves, but the issue is that a number of mistakes are overlooked. Whatever subject you pick, teachers expect you to submit a thorough and total account of the way to undertake a specific activity. To begin with, find out more about the process you're likely to be explaining. The process essays are generally written for companies or people who need tutorials. The secret to a very good process essay is making sure the different phases of the processes are transitioned in a way that does not feel superficial. In case you haven't already mastered the process, it'll be tough to learn and compose all at one time. Each course of action differs. Evidently, every appro ach differs. The True Meaning of Examples of Process Essay Topics The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. Even in case you have a suitable example, essay writing does take plenty of effort and time. The essay topics are categorized in various groups only for the ease of readers. When you've decided on this issue and the chief notion, you should examine the examples of essays of the same sort. It is going to be easy when writing something which you're knowledgeable about. It is possible to select a wonderful topic and begin working on that assignment. It is probably that a man or woman may not locate a specific topic interesting which others might. The Fight Against Examples of Process Essay Topics You may also profit from our on-line thesis statement examples and writing assistance if you must finish your paper fast. You are able to also learn to tie the many regions of the paper together to supply a cohesive reading. Feel free to request adjustments if you believe that any component of the paper fails to satisfy your expectations. Any expository paper has a particular tone and manner. Don't neglect to keep each one of your paragraphs and sentences short and make certain that your words are a breeze to comprehend. For example, if a specific step has a lot of moving parts, writing a distinct paragraph to discuss it's a wise decision. Now, you are going to want to compose your outline. No matter whether you require thesis statement examples for a persuasive essay or any type of writing assistance, you're in the proper location. Since it's such a huge subject, you are going to want to narrow your paper down to a particular angle. Don't be afraid to get some additional support to create your paper stick out! If you wish to succeed in delivering an outstanding paper, you should begin with getting acquainted with its definition. There are two kinds of process essays. If you believe you are content with the stream of the essay you've written, you might publish it with ease. You may also perform many experiments for your Process essay and you'll have many aspects on that particular process and you may easily compose a top-class Process essay. A methodical strategy is required to compose a process essay. Your pick of process essay topics is important. The above mentioned process essay topics list will make it possible for you to compose the very best process essay for colleges and universities. There are several different topics that one may use in writing process essays. Deciding upon a topic for the informative essay isn't a troublesome matter to do, provided that you understand what you will need.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Should Euthanasia Be Legal - 1387 Words
â€Å"It is reported that 10,000 citizens of the Netherlands carry a ‘Do Not Euthanize Me’ card on them at all times in case they are in an accident and unconscious or are taken to a hospital unexpectedly†(Wpadmin). This shows that many people show aversion towards euthanasia and would not want themselves to be euthanized. Euthanasia occurs when someone is suffering from a painful or incurable disease and they prefer to die. It is done by taking them off of life support or not giving them essential supplies to live such as food, medications, oxygen, and more. There are countless debates of whether or not euthanasia should be legal, and whether or not it benefits people. Some countries allow it, while in others it is considered a punishable†¦show more content†¦Hitler allowed people to euthanize themselves during World War 2. In 2013, 53% of Americans were against euthanasia (Euthanasia. Research in Context). Later, they started to see the benefits of it and some places began to legalize voluntary euthanasia. From early times to today, an extensive debate has taken place on the topic of euthanasia, and whether it should be legal. Euthanasia causes the patient’s families to suffer from depression and sadness. Depression is caused when people are gloomy and cry/worry frequently. People who suffer from depression are worried and find it hard to be joyful. When someone’s loved one commits euthanasia, then their family will be sad that they weren’t able to see him for his last days left of his life and that he died. This could cause them to suffer from depression. Also, the patient may have made a wrong decision. It is proved that, â€Å"The great majority of patients who desire death during a terminal illness are suffering from a treatable mental illness, most commonly a depressive condition†(The Impact of Euthanasia). The choice of euthanasia can be a mistake as stated in the quote, the majority of people who want to be euthanized have a mental illness which causes them to make a bad decision. The patient maybe suffering from a depressive condition and when someone has depression the y mainly just want life to end. They don’t want to enjoy it so this would cause them to want to be euthanized. Euthanasia should not beShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia Should Not Be Legal1683 Words  | 7 PagesEuthanasia is derived from the Greek, â€Å"eu†meaning good, and â€Å"thanatos†translating to death, together the word makes â€Å"good death†. A person who is terminally ill often goes through excruciating pain and suffering. Ultimately, the right to euthanize a terminally ill patient should be legal across the nation because that person doesn’t see an end to their anguish, so they wish to turn to euthanasia. Euthanasia frees the patient’s body and mind, lets them die with dignity, and their loved ones don’tRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal? Essay1449 Words  | 6 Pages Euthanasia: The Right to Die Euthanasia is a concept that has been around for a very long time. It has been practiced since ancient Greece. We all have different opinions towards it; some of us might be for it and others against it. In most parts of the world Euthanasia is illegal. Many countries have denied the right to euthanasia, but is that fair and ethical? It is the painless killing of a patient’s agony from an incurable and painful disease. Euthanasia should be legal. SomeoneRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1061 Words  | 5 PagesDetermining Euthanasia Millions of precious lives have been deliberately taken throughout the world due to the new Euthanasia Law. Euthanasia is the practicing of assisted suicide, due to terminally ill patients or depression. The practicing has just been legalized September 2015, and will be put into effect in California January 1 2016. Although, it is still being argued if adolescents should have the right fro this and if it’s morally correct all together. Euthanasia should be illegalRead MoreEuthanasia Should Not Be Legal1520 Words  | 7 Pages Euthanasia or commonly known as Physician-Assisted Suicide is defined as the painless killing of a patient who is suffering from an incurable and painful disease or is in an irreversible coma. It is an act that speeds up death. Some people consider euthanasia to be a mercy killing and others consider it to be murder. This practice is illegal in most countries. In the United States, however, six states have legalized physician-assisted suicide even though most states, 44 to be more specific, haveRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1919 Words  | 8 Pages Euthanasia is a widely debated topic of the 21st century. Many places have legalized it, others refuse to even talk about the subject. However, more and more people are wanting their right to die to be recognized while others fight back against that right. A lot has to go into the backing and thinking about euthanasia, beginning with the different types that there are. After that, you would have to look at both sides to analyze why it would be a good practice to have, or a bad one. ManyRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1311 Words  | 6 Pageshave used euthanasia, or physician assisted suicide. They used it with the purpose of releasing their soul and the pain that they could not endure any longer. Euthanasia is a process provided by the medical system today that involves active and passive euthanasia. Physician assisted suicide is spreading across the world, and people are using it legally. In the U.S, euthanasia has been legalized in some states so people are trying t o take advantage of it. Many people have used euthanasia so they wouldRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1360 Words  | 6 PagesOwadara Adedamola ENG 101 Prof. Skeen 24 November 2015 Legalizing Euthanasia â€Å"Euthanasia is defined as conduct that brings about an easy and painless death for persons suffering from an incurable or painful disease or condition†(Muckart, et al 259). Euthanasia, also dying with dignity, is the practice of the termination of a terminally ill person s life in order to relieve them of their suffering. Euthanasia is one of today’s most controversial health issues with debates on people’s rightRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?2146 Words  | 9 PagesWho should be in charge of ending your life? Understanding euthanasia in its entirety can only be met when one knows the various forms it can take. They include passive, active, voluntary, and involuntary. Passive euthanasia refers to the practice of medical practitioners refraining from providing treatment in turn, allowing death. Active euthanasia, on the other hand, involves the deliberate killing of a person, using medical skills and knowledge as an instrument (Sheldon). The primary concern inRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legal?1183 Words  | 5 PagesThe word euthanasia is defined as good death, but this meaning cannot be taken literally without analyzing its underlying implications (Vaughn 595). The primary issues that must be raised when discussing euthanasia are differentiating between active and passive forms, analyzing the values that people place on their life and realizing that euthanasia is beneficial. Euthanasia provides a means for patients who are in agony to be relieved of their condition while ensuring that doctors follow appropriateRead MoreEuthanasia Should Be Legal1536 Words  | 7 Pages The second source evaluated in regards to religion influencing whether euthanasia should be legal was â€Å"Euthanasia†written by Amelia Mihaela Diaconescu. Diaconescu has only written this journal in 1 July 2012 and nothing else. This shows a lack of credibility or that she is just starting to write. This was a peer reviewed article regarding what euthanasia is in the United States, England, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, and Holland. This is a strength because it shows diversity even though that all
Friday, May 15, 2020
Character Analysis of Dee Johnson in Everyday Use by...
Alice Walker crafts the character of Dee Johnson in the short story â€Å"Everyday Use†in a clever way. Starting from the first paragraph, Walker creates an image of Dee, who at first seems very shallow. Dee then becomes a more complex character as the story progresses. Blessed with both brains and beauty, Dee emerges as someone who is still struggling with her identity and heritage. Dee is a flat character, who is described as arrogant and selfish. Through the eyes of Dee, one can see her egotistical nature. Dee is portrayed as a light-skinned black person who feels as though she is better than everyone else because her waist is small, her skin is light, she has a nice grade of hair, and she is somewhat educated. Although she may be†¦show more content†¦But she will never bring her friends†(162). From this quote, it is apparent that Dee is ashamed of her family’s home. In this story, Dee is completely unappreciative. One can get the feeling that the mother in the story had worked long and hard rearing her daughters, and has even gotten Dee into college somehow. Dee returns with her college education and new personality trying to preach to her mother and sister about what they are doing wrong. Plenty of times Dee spoke down to her mother and little sister, Maggie. Dees physical beauty can be defined as one of her biggest assets. The fact that Maggie sees Dee with a mixture of envy and awe (160) lets the reader know that Dee has the more favorable appearance. The simplistic way in which Walker states that â€Å"Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure,†(161) gives the reader the idea that Dees beauty has made it easier for her to be accepted outside her family in society, â€Å"†¦her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that ‘no’ is a word the world never learned to say to her,†(160). One is left with the impression that Dees appearance is above average. Walker plays on Dees physical beauty to contrast the homeliness of Maggie and her mother. Walker goes so far as to describe her feet as being more favorable as if God only wanted Dee to have pretty feet, â€Å"Her feet were alwaysShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Flowers, By Alice Walker1525 Words  | 7 Pageswas how Al ice Walker grew up. She has written stories about her life, and stories that have had an impact on her life based on how she grew up. The two short stories The Flowers and Everyday Use have a common theme of feeling comfortable, safe, and at peace when one is home. Walker uses diction, syntax, and characterization to develop this common theme in her writing. A house is a safe comfortable place where one can feel at peace and in The Flowers and Everyday Use, the author Alice Walker developsRead MoreThe Usability of Symbolism in Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay1230 Words  | 5 Pagesa technique that author’s uses to bring out the main importance of an object, but more emphasized details are being extracted in the usage of it. Alice Walker uses quilts, for example, to symbolize a â€Å"bond between women†(Spark Notes) a relationship between women, that would get passed down from generation to generation. In this story, symbolism plays a big role that makes this more attracted to the reader’s eyes. The characters such as the following: Mama Johnson, Dee, and Maggie all symbolizeRead MoreSymbolic References in Everyday Use by Alice Walker1848 Words  | 8 PagesSymbolism is the taking of an object big or small, and giving it something to stand for. It could be your everyday math symbols for addition, subtraction, division, and etc. Although math symbols are perfect examples of symbolism, there’s also objects that can be more than what they are. For example animals, Lions are known to be symbolized as strength, aggression, and assertiveness. Birds like doves are symbolized as love and peace. Colors are also held symbolically, for instance the color blackRead MoreEssay on The Importance of Heritage in Everyday Use829 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"Everyday Use †by Alice Walker the exact setting is never revealed and therefore, can only be guessed, but it has been guessed that the story takes place on a country side in Georgia. At one point in the story Augusta is mentioned. The time is also estimated to be during the Civil Rights Movement around the year of 1973. Mrs. Johnson, along with her two daughters, reside in a small three room house, and take pride in there small yard. As Maggie and Dee grow older they start to realize howRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Alice Walker s Everyday Use2414 Words  | 10 PagesTulsi Rizal Prof. Mary Huffer Eng122 24 April 2016 Critical Analysis of Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use†Alice Walker, most revered African American writer of the present time was born on 9th February 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia. She started her career as a social worker/activist, followed by teaching and and being a writer. She has won many awards for her fantastic social and literary works. Everyday use†was published in 1973, when African Americans were struggling to revive their original African cultureRead Moreevery day use3221 Words  | 13 PagesThe paper s title Your name Page number Character analysis of the story â€Å"Everyday Use†by Alice Walker 1) Pay attention to the character’s ethics. Does the character make just or unjust choices? Consider Atticus Finch in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus does not make morally correct choices only when it is convenient for him to do so. Rather, he shows he’s a truly just character by sticking to his principles even when his life is at stake. 2) Decide
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Media Violence May Increase Behavioral Violence - 923 Words
Media Violence May Increase Behavioral Violence The Virginia Tech School Shooting in 2007 resulted in thirty-two fatalities and seventeen injuries. During the event’s aftermath, a video of Seung-Hui Cho, the shooter, was released to the public. In the video, Cho discusses a previous school shooting at Columbine High School. His reference to another school shooting led the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to conclude that media coverage of the Columbine shooting could have influenced Cho to plan and enact his own school shooting (Ferguson, 2013, p. 21-24). Numerous social scientists have conducted social experiments and surveys to study this possible link, and to understand the relationship between violence in the media and violence in individuals. Many of them conclude that media violence can influence individuals to behave violently. Social Learning Theory The Social Learning Theory, constructed to explain how media violence might increase behavioral violence, is part of the General Aggression Model (GAM), which considers a person’s developmental psychology in order to understand their behavior. The Social Learning Theory is based on the observation that individuals are influenced by the behaviors they observe. This implies that if a person observes violence in the media, then they will behave violently (Black, 2016, p. 192). Thus, individuals who are exposed to large amounts of violent media will behave more violently than individuals who are not exposed toShow MoreRelatedIncreasing Violence in Youth Culture Essay1093 Words  | 5 PagesIncreasing Violence in Youth Culture In Bradbury’s dystopian classic, Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse says â€Å" ‘I’m afraid of children my own age. They kill each other’ †(Bradbury 27). Bradbury claims through Fahrenheit 451 that our society is becoming increasingly violent in youth’s culture. Furthermore, common sense seems to dictate that as technology advances violence, increases as well. Although schools are considered to be the safest places for children, media, behavioral problems, and influences insideRead MoreAggressive Behavior And Video Games860 Words  | 4 Pagescontinuous exposure to video games may generate behavioral changes among individuals. It is being demonstrated by research that violent television and media have a cause and effect on children and youth that watch them. Because video games use the same repetitiveness mechanism as television and media it is expected by social science professionals that video games cause an even greater impact. Many factors have been cases of study for researchers to support the thesis of behavioral changes as a consequenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Emotion1570 Words  | 7 Pagesshown how harmful the effects of media violence can be for over 60 years, and some recent studies have shown that there may even be a direct correlation between a one’s emotions and their exposure to the highly concentrated violence in video games. It is also known that over 85% of video games today have at the very least some type of minor violence, and about half of video games contain serious violent actions (Carnagey, 2007). This is the reason why video game violence research and literature is growingRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Behavioral Violence916 Words  | 4 PagesEffects of Media Violence on Behavioral Violence in Young Adults in America The influence of mass media has progressively increased in American society, but can the media have effects beyond mere entertainment and impartial information? American culture has become saturated with online news reports, social media, and media entertainment. Technology has become a major factor in America’s social environment. Much of the information gained from digital sources involves or portrays violence, and manyRead MoreThe Effects of Media Violence on Children Essay1367 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"I saw it on Television.†Television violence had a role in the childs behavior. Media violence can have a lasting impression on children, teenagers and adults not only through television, but also through video games. In the past two decades, there has been a significant increase in violent behavior in the United States (Merino 1). This is the result of exposure to violence. More than half of television programs and video games contain some type of violence. Perez Daly says, â€Å"’... children areRead MoreViolent Media And Its Impact On Aggression1544 Words  | 7 PagesViolent Media and Its Impact On Aggression In Adolescence In recent trends, adolescents in the United States are now experiencing an explosive rise in the usage of technology. There have been many technological advances since the 20th century such as the invention of the Internet, cellular devices, and other screens. However, the new generation of adolescents in America; the â€Å"millennials,†are the ones living through and experiencing this new economy and lifestyle. Millennials and many other youngRead MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Our Society1566 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems today, with violence being at the top of the list, you go anywhere and that is all you here about. Unfortunately it’s in front-page headlines of the newspaper and broadcasted on the news as top stories. Violence is a very big topic, although it is categorized into many small groups. There is juvenile violence, domestic violence, hate violence, terrorist violence, and violence displaced through various forms of the media. This research w ill be on violence in the media and does it affect ourRead MoreLost Boys : Why Our Sons Turn Violent And How We Can Save Them Essay1253 Words  | 6 PagesViolence shows it face in many forms. It is slowly taking over the youth of our society, and becoming more prevalent than ever. Is it really environmental factors that are the cause of violence in our youth today? Or is the increase in violence to be blamed on a group of variables, that together, create the perfect recipe for disaster? In the book, Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them, author Dr. James Garbarino discusses possible reasons that childhood aged boys are experiencingRead MoreCauses and Effects of Violence in Children Essay1698 Words  | 7 Pagesrate between children and violence is increasing. In fact, the article Children and Violence states that as many as 10 million children per year may witness or be victims of violence in their home, schools, or communities across the United States . Childhood exposure to violence has a huge overwhelming impact on children’s development, affect emotional growth, cognitive development, physical health, and school performances. This increase in children’s exposure to violence suggests that more childrenRead MoreSocialization As A Function Of Media1561 Words  | 7 Pagesof Media Mass media, significantly through mediums that project news and information, greatly affect what and how we learn about the world around us. In particular, television has become the outlet with the greatest socialization impact in its influence on young viewers. The distribution of information has become a part of the process by which people learn about societal values and behaviors and come to understand cultural expectations. Through entertainment and news programming, mass media such
Analysis of Twelfth Night Essay - 685 Words
William Shakespeare, arguably the most important writer in all of English Literature, is certainly the most influential playwright of the English Renaissance. Born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in rural northern England, he was the son of a middle class glove maker. Competing against such illustrious company as Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson, Shakespeare quickly became one of the most popular playwrights in the city of London, and a favourite of the monarch, the powerful Queen Elizabeth I. Shakespeare wrote thirty-eight plays. Twelfth Night was written near the middle of Shakespeare career, around 1601, and most critics consider it as one of his greatest comedies. Twelfth Night is about illusion, deception, disguises,†¦show more content†¦He twisted Olivias words (from a fake letter) around to make it sounds like she will admire his yellow cross-gathered stockings, when she really despises them, considering him as a mad. Feste, the clown, said: ..Madam, why laugh you at such a barren rascal, and you smile not hes gaggd: and thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenge, and by doing so, Feste criticizes Malvolios overestimation, when at their first meeting Malvolio said: I marvel your lady takes delight in such a barren rascal. Through doing this, he shows himself to be a man who condescends to those that he believes to be lower than him, acting on his own personal belief of superiority. Thus, this self-inflated sour character is brought to his knees, unlocked in darkness, because he was considered as a madman, and he holds Belzebub at the staves end as well as man in his case may do. This was done through a fake love-letter writte n by Maria, and when Malvolio appears, he shows the letter arguing that it set off his madness, which he signed as: The MADLY-USD MALVOLIO. Thus, self-love, pride, desire to climb the social ladder, and to burn the social class boundaries, all these factors drove Malvolio to a state of madness, as a consequence he was humiliated, leading to his downfall. By humiliating him, even Puritanism is mocked. Malvolio symbolized Puritanism (strict values, no fancy...), and due to the fact that the joke was around his new dresses for Olivia, yellow socks, smiles, theShow MoreRelatedTwelfth Night Analysis779 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a well-known Christmas play, it is considered as one of the most successful comedies. The play starts when Viola and her twin brother, Sebastian, survive a shipwreck. When they cannot find each other, each thinks the other may be dead. Then they move on to two separate ways, establishing two story lines that finally mee t with each other after involving funny mistaken identities. The love bug in the comedy bites not only Olivia and Orsino, but also SebastianRead MoreAnalysis Of The Twelfth Night 1651 Words  | 7 Pagesworld. To realise the relative nature of all that exists, and to enter a completely new order of things†To what extent do you feel that the â€Å"carnivalesque†conventions of comedy convey a meaningful challenge to the existing order of things? The Twelfth Night perhaps manifests around the continuous abolishment of social norms and traditional customs. The events that take place within the play are intertwined with typical connotations that surround abnormality and could possibly support the entry toRead MoreScene Analysis Of The Twelfth Night1351 Words  | 6 Pages Our group proposed, presented, and directing the stage performance for the Twelfth Night. In the beginning of the semester I had no clue of what to expect from this course, and reading the syllabus made Shakespeare’s Plays seem complex. I am somewhat familiar with William Shakespeare’s plays stemming from a Shakespeare course that I had taken at Harold Washington (City College of Chicago). My professor (Hader) informed the class that if we were looking to go on to a four-year university as an EnglishRead MoreTwelfth Night Character Analysis1739 Words  | 7 PagesTwelfth Night is a romantic comedy that questions the nature of love, gender, and class. Viola disguises herself as Cesario, and this transformation into Cesario by Viola draws the admiration of Olivia. While Olivia is trying to attract Cesarios attention, Orsino is trying to catch Olivias eye which only creates a comedic love triangle. This love triangle creates the comedy in the book, while also questioni ng what love is, and the roles that gender, and class creates in Twelfth Night.     TwelfthRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Twelfth Night 998 Words  | 4 PagesThe introduction of Twelfth Night, written by M.M. Mahood, provides a cultural setting for readers to better understand the play. Although Mahood wrote the introduction for Twelfth Night, the information also allows readers to appreciate the magical freedom that A Midsummer Night’s Dream encompasses. Mahood delves into the cultural significance of Puritanism early in the 17th century through the character of Malvolio. Although Twelfth Night is a comedy, the presence of morally strict PuritanismRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay933 Words  | 4 PagesShakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a play with themes that parallel the folly of the festival it is named after. The main storyline of the plot plays on this a lot by mixing up the stereotypes around gender that were very present at the time. However, a sub-plot involving secondary characters defines this theme e ven more. It takes the idea even further by relating servants’ attempts to blur the lines between social classes. Twelfth Night’s Maria and Malvolio both have great aspirations to rise aboveRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s The Twelfth Night 1246 Words  | 5 PagesCharles 1 Bradley Charles Professor Eddie Coleman English 100 14 November 2016 Writing Devices in Shakespeare s The Twelfth Night William Shakespeare is one of the most well-known writers of all-time. William Shakespeare was born in the United Kingdom in April of 1564, to a family who was neither noble or wealthy (http://www.shakespeareinamericancommunities.org). He attended the local grammar school, where he was taught Greek mythology, Roman comedy, history, grammar, and Latin. He didRead MoreCritical Analysis of Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay examples992 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a comedy, first published in 1623. Love is a key aspect of Shakespeare’s comedies in which self-identity is found through the development of love from infatuation to acknowledgement of character. Orsino is the epitome of Shakespeare’s transformation of self. In the beginning of the play, Orsino is self-absorbed and head-over-heels for Olivia. In this stage of love we see Orsino’s infatuation and selfishness in his feelings of love. As the play moves on, ViolaRead MoreA nalysis Of Shakespeare s Taming Of The Shrew And Twelfth Night 702 Words  | 3 PagesDisguise and Trickery One of the many factors that William Shakespeare implements throughout all of his comedic plays is the element of disguise and trickery. This element is shown through his works of As You Like It, Taming of the Shrew, and Twelfth Night. The primary purpose for using disguise and trickery is for deceit. The deception involved with changing characters’ identities is used for momentary gain. In the end, the concluding outcome of such deceit leads to exposure of a higher truthRead MoreCharacter Analysis of Sir Toby Belch in Shakespeare ´s Twelfth Night904 Words  | 4 Pagesdetectives Tommy and Tuppence, it is evident that comedic characters have always been appreciated and acknowledged in literature. Sir Toby Belch is but one of many amusing characters, and is by far one of the most humorous. While Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is surrounded around an issue of romantic entanglement, Sir Toby’s very presence is enough to lighten the mood and accentuate the comedic theme of the story through his creation of problems and unique personality. Therefore, Sir Toby Belch is
Essay On Social Class In An Inspector Calls Example For Students
Essay On Social Class In An Inspector Calls A well made play is a play that observes the three unities. The three unities are as follows: Unity of Time, Unity of Action and Unity of place. The play An Inspector Calls uses unity of time because the amount of time that passes in the play is actually how long it takes to perform in real time. It uses unity of action by sticking to one main plot. The plot is all about what the Birling family and Gerald have done to Eva Smith. It also uses unity of place as almost everything happens in the same place, which is the Birlings dining room. The play An Inspector Calls was written in 1945, which was just at the end of the Second World War. The play is set in 1912, just before the First World War. The play was set at this particular time so that J. B. Priestley could get his message across more clearly. The message was that we all have to take responsibility for our actions, which can have consequences. Another reason why this may be a well made play is that J. B. Priestley gives hints to the audience at the beginning, which builds up excitement and interest. The hints given are revealed slowly throughout the play. Examples of the hints would be when Sheila comments about Gerald never coming near her the previous summer; eventually we find out that Gerald has been connected with an affair. Secondly could be when Mr. Birling remarks about the war and the Titanic. He carries on talking about how the Germans will never conclude to war and how it is virtually impossible. He also says that the luxury liner the Titanic is setting of next week and he describes it as Unsinkable, absolutely Unsinkable. We know what happens afterwards, World War One begins and the Titanic was one of the biggest disasters in history of liners. From the examples and statements we find out J. B. Priestley is telling us something very important which is, no matter what Mr. Birling says it is completely wrong. Thirdly, when Eric says, Yes, I remember and then suddenly stops. When he says this he is having a conversation with Gerald (sisters husband) and Mr. Birling (his dad). The conversation is on women and their clothing, as Gerald agrees with Mr. Birling by saying Thats true. Eric says, Yes I remember but as he sees his father sitting next to him he checks himself and pauses. This gives the audience a fair bit of an idea that Eric has been linked or confronted with a woman before, that no one in his family know of. Gradually, as the play progresses, the audience interest increases as more and more is revealed about the familys involvement with Eva Smith. Firstly we learn that Mr. Birling has sacked Eva Smith from his own factory because she asked for more pay. I think Mr. Birling couldnt care less about Eva, he thought of the situation as strictly business. Well, its my duty to keep labour costs down, and if Id agreed to this demand for a new rate wed have added about twelve percent to our labour costs. Secondly, Sheila got Eva Smith fired when jealousy arose with in her. This is when Sheila thought Eva was laughing at her at how she looked in an item of clothing. Sheila thought Eva would look much better in the dress than she would, so she complained to the manager and demanded she be fired; because of how well known and of a high-class she was the demand was met by the manager. At first Sheila did not care or realise what she had done but after knowing Eva had died she felt very guilty. .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc , .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .postImageUrl , .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc , .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:hover , .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:visited , .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:active { border:0!important; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:active , .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub77456c8fec37df1ba0f5c3fa3828ddc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The play An Inspector Calls Persuasive EssayYes, thats it. And I know Im to blame and Im desperately sorry but I cant believe- I wont believe- its simply my fault that in the end she- she committed suicide. That would be too horrible- Thirdly, Gerald was involved after having an affair with her and then ending the relationship after he had used her. Gerald felt partly at fault, She didnt blame me at all. I wish to god she had now, said Gerald after finding out she had died. Fourthly, Eric was one of the worst of all; he had raped her, made her pregnant and also gave Eva stolen money. Eric felt absolutely terrible at what he had done and took full responsibility. I dont see much nonsense about it when a girl goes and kills herself. You lot may be letting yourself out nicely, but I cant. Nor can mother. We did her in all right. Lastly was Mrs. Birling, she was the one who refused to help Eva Smith when she needed the most aid. Mrs. Birlings organisation rejected Eva even when she was pregnant only because she gave her name as Mrs. Birling (Erics wife). Mrs. Birling took least responsibility may be even none as this shows, Simply because Ive done nothing wrong- and you know it. All the characters had a link with Eva Smith but only some cared. Mr. and Mrs.Birling were only concerned about their reputations and business, on the other hand Eric and Sheila took full blame whilst Gerald was rather neutral, different from all the other characters. J. B. Priestley also keeps the audience interested and fascinated through the familys argument about who is most liable to blame for Eva Smiths death. The audience concludes, like Sheila and Eric that they are all equally responsible for the death of Eva Smith. We see that Mr. and Mrs. Birling are trying to force the accusations on to their own children, where as they feel; the death was caused by everyone in their family including Gerald.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financial Report Audit Reliable Printing †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financial Report Audit Reliable Printing? Answer: Introduction Through this assignment we would be doing a in depth analysis of the case study of a printing company named Reliable Printing Ltd. Basically we would be dealing with the financial reports for the period that is ending on 30th June 2015. I would be dealing this assignment as a senior auditor with the Rogers Brown who have recently taken up the auditing from Jones Associates. Reliable Printing Limited or RPL deals in variety of products and they print magazines, books etc on print on demand basis. They also have extended their business to maximize their earnings by having publishers titles available as searchable e-books that could be downloaded directly by readers from RPLs web site. Now being the auditor there are few questions that needs to be answered which are related to financial reports auditing. This will provide us with a real life insight into auditing and financial reporting. As part of your planning process, you are considering whether you will need to use the services of an expert in the audit of RPL. After reading and doing an in depth analysis of the case study given, I find it very important or necessary to use the services of an expert in the audit of RPL as part of the planning process. The services of an expert in the audit will provide stability to the auditing and financial reporting of the organization with strict adherence and compliance to the standards set by their respective bodies (Ashton). Thus more transparency and specialization will be available which would help in managing things in a much better management. This would thus be very beneficial for the working as well as reputation, earnings etc of the organization. An expert in the audit committee of the organization would ensure that all the accounting, auditing, law, taxation rules and regulations are strictly abided by and thus a proper reporting would be done. It would also be beneficial for bringing about changes very effectively and with ease. Timely inspections and check are done by the experts and accordi ngly changes and reports are developed (Graham). An expert can be well aware of the changes happening even in the external environment and weigh the pros and cons of it and accordingly can plan regarding the future actions and courses. William Jackson, the CEO of RPL, has requested that the tests of controls only be performed once (due to the disruption caused by audit staff to the work of the staff in the printing and shipping department). In financial, he has requested that the tests of controls occur only during July 2015, as this is traditionally the quietest time of the year for RPL. You expect the audit report to be signed on 15 August 2015. This is a really good move by the CEO as it would ensure a onetime check in the end. This would not disrupt or disturb the working on a regular basis and would enhance the productivity and performance of the organization. The test of controls should be done at the year end to get an overview of the entire year all at once and it has also been observed over the time that it would be the quietist time of the entire financial year (Georgiades). It would thus also not hamper the working much. This should be followed by the other auditing procedures as well all at once in a stretch so that the auditing reports and ready and signed by 15 August 2015. For each of the manual and IT application control activities identified in question 7.28 inChapter 7, design an appropriate audit procedure to test that control. For the manual and IT application activities the best audit procedure to test their control would be sampling and random checking (Apostolou and Alleman). This is due to implementation of the annual policy of tests of controls. There will not be much time to check each and every transaction and activity in details. Thus it would be a nice solution to introduce sampling and random checking. Few transactions from each group must be chosen and evaluated to ensure their accuracy and efficiency. This is also very efficient as there specialization in every field and with an expert who looks into the day to day transactions. Thus it also reduces the chances of errors and mistakes and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the auditing procedure selected or designed. For each of the audit procedures you described in (a), outline the result you would expect if you determined that the control activity was not reliable. In the above paragraph I stated random checking and sampling as the two auditing procedures to be viable for the organization. If the control activity was determined to be non reliable the results that would be expected to be that major mistakes that do not occur frequently would be missed and not taken into account (Hatherly) . The smaller the sample size would be the more is the chance of mistake. Random checking would also not ensure that all the transactions and activities are monitored with equal weight age or importance. This can lead to error in calculation and measurements. Thus there can be accounting errors like omission, double posting etc. In the IT application area there can be software bugs and mistakes that can be left unnoticed and thus can lead to wrong outcomes and results in the reports. Ignoring considerations of limitation of scope, discuss the effects of Williams requests on the sufficiency and appropriateness of the audit evidence to be gathered. According to Williams request would be very beneficial for the organization as it incorporates an internal auditing committee and body that would ensure specialization and continuous check and control on the day to day transactions and events which would bring more stability and accuracy to the organization. Also the appointment of expertise would ensure more specialization and accuracy (Kremer). The auditing reports gathered would be sufficient and appropriate enough as due to specialization there would be very few chances of mistakes and thus the evidences collected through sampling and random checking would give us a correct and appropriate overview without much mistakes and errors. Review the sample supporting control accompanying the book and identify any control deviations that would be revealed by your tests of controls. The sampling supporting control would be very beneficial for the organization and would help us to provide us with adequate auditing evidences with the best overview of the financial transactions. This would thus be beneficial for the organization to prepare an error free more or less accurate financial and audit report. There is very few chances of any control deviations to be revealed by the test of controls (Ricchiute). Only those errors and mistakes would not be identified whose occurrence is not very common and is not traceable through samples. These mistakes are special in nature with very few occurrence possibilities. Describe how generalized audit software could be used to test sales cut-off at year end. The sales have to invoice in the system before 27Th June as the warehouses are kept closed from 28-30th June. All the sales have to be in transit and be on its way to the delivery. The audit software can be used to test sales cut-off at the yearend very effectively (Robertson). It can be used for measuring and calculation of the year end stock and thus the sales can be calculated accordingly. The average weighted method or the FIFO principle should be used and a consistent inventory policy should be followed. This would ensure proper and efficient evaluation of inventories and thus can be used to test the sales cut off at the yearend very effectively and efficiently. Conclusion Through ts assignment we saw on how auditing a very important part in preparing financial reports is. Auditing requires expertise and specialization and internal audit control is very effective to ensure day to day monitoring and adherence and compliance to the rules and standards. Different auditing techniques and procedures and evidences should be evaluated according to its pros and cons and respectively and the best suited should be applied consistently. References Apostolou, Barbara, and Francine Alleman. Internal Audit Sampling. Altamonte Springs, Fla.: Institute of Internal Auditors, 1991. Print. Ashton, Robert H. Research In Audit Decision marketing. Vancouver, B.C.: Canadian Certified General Accountants' Research Foundation, 1983. Print. Georgiades, George. Audit Procedures. Chicago, Ill.: CCH, 2006. Print. Graham, Lynford. Internal Control Audit And Compliance. Print. Hatherly, David J. The Audit Evidence Process. London: A. Keenan, 1980. Print. Kremer, Boris. Audit. Luxembourg: Casino Luxembourg, 2001. Print. Ricchiute, David N. Auditing. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College, 1995. Print. Robertson, Jack C. Auditing. Homewood, IL: BPI/Irwin, 1990. Print.
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