Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Media Violence May Increase Behavioral Violence - 923 Words
Media Violence May Increase Behavioral Violence The Virginia Tech School Shooting in 2007 resulted in thirty-two fatalities and seventeen injuries. During the event’s aftermath, a video of Seung-Hui Cho, the shooter, was released to the public. In the video, Cho discusses a previous school shooting at Columbine High School. His reference to another school shooting led the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to conclude that media coverage of the Columbine shooting could have influenced Cho to plan and enact his own school shooting (Ferguson, 2013, p. 21-24). Numerous social scientists have conducted social experiments and surveys to study this possible link, and to understand the relationship between violence in the media and violence in individuals. Many of them conclude that media violence can influence individuals to behave violently. Social Learning Theory The Social Learning Theory, constructed to explain how media violence might increase behavioral violence, is part of the General Aggression Model (GAM), which considers a person’s developmental psychology in order to understand their behavior. The Social Learning Theory is based on the observation that individuals are influenced by the behaviors they observe. This implies that if a person observes violence in the media, then they will behave violently (Black, 2016, p. 192). Thus, individuals who are exposed to large amounts of violent media will behave more violently than individuals who are not exposed toShow MoreRelatedIncreasing Violence in Youth Culture Essay1093 Words  | 5 PagesIncreasing Violence in Youth Culture In Bradbury’s dystopian classic, Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse says â€Å" ‘I’m afraid of children my own age. They kill each other’ †(Bradbury 27). 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